Her Own | 5. Cut the Cords

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The next morning, I woke up particularly sour. Jessie hadn't cuddled with me at all last night, and I felt considerably grouchy because of that. Was she really doing this because of the whole baby thing last night? She should respect my wishes and my feelings.

"Good morning," Jessie cheerfully greeted when I came downstairs that morning.

I grunted something in return as I grabbed a piece of toast. Jessie have me a look, which I pretended to not have noticed.

"Good morning, Hazel!" I happily said, kissing Hazel's cheek.

Hazel, who was still in her pajamas, smiled and waved. Last week was the beginning of Summer Break. So, Hazel has been staying home with my mom all that week. Well, for three days. Jessie, on the other hand, still has to go in for a few more days after, then she'll be off too.

"Aren't you happy it's Summer Break?" I asked, sitting down beside her.

Hazel nodded. "Yeah! Grandma and I had so much fun! We went to the zoo and the park, and she even took me to the beach!"

"That sounds really fun," I responded truthfully.

"It was!"

"So, have you started on your choreography? Or do you want me to show you some before we go in today?"

"Mama Ten, we don't have practice today. Mike changed it to be on Tuesdays and Thursdays now."

Whoa, hold on. How dare he change the days up on me and not even give me a notice? That's disrespectful, and I don't appreciate it. I wonder what else he has changed.

"Oh. Okay then."

My eyes magically found Jessie's as she watched us. She nodded her head in the direction of the living room, signally she wanted to talk. I excused myself from the table, and followed Jessie into the living room. Before she could say anything, I talked.

"Don't you dare try to bring up yesterday's conversation. I'll talk with him about it and whatever. No need to scold me or anything."

"No, I was just wondering if you were okay," Jessie said, smiling softly at me.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"No, you're not. What's wrong?"

"Nothing apart from the fact you gave me the cold shoulder last night. You know I can't sleep without you touching me." I was starting to sound young for my age, but I didn't care. Jessie's cuddling felt like Heaven to me whenever I was falling asleep.

"I'm sorry--"

"Don't lie to me. It's because of the baby thing, isn't it?"

"Syd, you're being ridiculous. Of course I didn't cuddle with you because of that--"

"Don't freaking lie to me, Jessica," I growled, making her jump in surprise. I was in no mood for games or anything.

Jessie sighed in defeat. "Baby, you don't understand. You don't understand my feelings about having a baby of our own."

"And you sit understand mine about not having one yet. Hazel's a perfectly good daughter, so why do we need another child? Besides, don't you remember my miscarriage?"

Jessie moved closer to me and grabbed a hand. Without hesitation, my fingers laced with hers. "Baby, of course I remember. And that was a hard time. But I believe we can get through it together. I'll be the one carrying the child this time. We have a new life, it's time to cut the cords of our old ones."

"You're right," I admitted.

Jessie kissed my forehead. "There.  Now, Syd, promise me one thing?"

"And what is that?"

"Don't let your old life get in the way of your new one. It's not healthy, babe."

"I promise, Jess. And I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get you all distressed. And it's kind of hard to forget about all that's happened."

Nobody can expect someone that's been through traumatic event to easily forget and forgive everything that's happened. Occasionally, I'd still have nightmares about Stephen coming back and killing us off. And those were the nights Jessie could sense things and would wake up with me also. She'd embrace me, telling me it's okay and that it was all a dream. And it was those times I had to remember how much I love and appreciate Jessie.

"I know, baby," Jessie said, kissing my cheek. I felt my cheeks heat up after she did that. "And I'm with you every step of the way. Now, do you want bacon and eggs?"

A small smile made it's way on my face as I followed Jessie back into the kitchen.


"...and what gives you the right to do that?" I asked Mike angrily, momentarily forgetting Hazel behind me.

"Well, I think you're working them too hard. So does Gloria, you know. And they were happy when I told them, Sydney."

I gritted my teeth at the attractive man in front of me. He smiled and shrugged at me, and I wanted to rip his ponytail off his head right then and there. "I WAS HERE FIRST!" I defended.

"Yeah, but it doesn't mean you're better. You don't always make good choices."

"Like for?" I asked, daring him to step over the line.

"Oh, I don't know. The hours, the choreography...your choice in partners."

Okay, he's done it. But something was holding me back. As if an unknown force wanted me to hear the next things he was going to say before I killed him.

"There's nothing wrong with Jessica. It's just, I would hope you would want a man to take care of you."

"JESSIE TAKES CARE OF ME JUST FINE!" I squealed outrageously.

"For a woman," he mocked. "Look at yourself, you could have diamonds and pearls around your neck everyday. You wouldn't have to be working at local places."

"Then why are you?" I questioned, crossing my arms and struggled to contain my anger.

"For you."

Mike smirked and walked back into Gloria's empty office. He was so annoying and he got on my nerves! How dare he take a crack in Jessie! If it wasn't for Hazel, I probably would have my hands around his neck by now. It wasn't until I got in the car when realization dawned on me.

He was flirting with me...

A/N: Hi! So, for those who are willing to read another crappy story by me, Imagine That is up now. So...yah...

My Janitor [Jessie J] *COMPLETED* (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now