4. Lunch Date

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                          Jessie led me to the car, which was a nice car. Nicer than I thought a janitor could get. I noted it's sleekness, and how brand new it looks. She must really keep good care of her car.

"You like?" She asked.

"Yeah. It looks brand new." I ran my hand along the hood. It was really smooth.

"I know cars, Sydney. This one's my best one. Worked on it for three years. When I got it, it looked exactly like this, but had so many problems with it."

"I wish I could ride in it," I said.

Jessie chuckled as she unlocked the doors and got in. "You can one day."

I got in the backseat with her and we closed the doors. She had packed a sub from Subway, Lays chips, two sparkling waters, and a ziploc bag of cereal.

"Hey, I sometimes need a snack," Jessie defended herself, pouting.

She split and gave me half the sub, then a whole bottle of water, and tried to force me to eat chips. She had me pinned to the seat, one hand holding both my wrists. I had to admit, she was surprisingly strong. For a woman who had such a small frame and looked like she had no muscles.

"Just eat it," Jessie ordered, inching the chip closer to my face.

"Never! It's yours!"

"I ate your food! Now eat mine!"

"It was only half a sandwich! I have grapes left, you know?"

Jessie groaned. "You aren't making this any easier, Sydney. Just eat it!"

I rolled my eyes and opened my mouth. She smiled as she was about to put it in my mouth. At the last second, I turned my head, then licked her hand instead. Jessie jumped backwards, dropping the food.

"Ewww, Sydney! That's gross!" She squealed like a little girl.

All I could do was laugh as she wiped her hand on her pants. She's just adorable. Wait, huh?

We talked and learned more about each other. She's twenty-three, likes cars, and has a cat by the name of Toby. She doesn't talk to her family much because they're multi-millionaires who run a family business, and they wanted her to run the business. They sell quality toilet paper. She knows about my family, how my dad's a taxpayer, and my mom's a nurse. And how my sister and I were head-over heels for gymnastics. And how I have this "boyfriend" set up by our parents. Jessie actually laughed at that.

"That must be a pain," she laughed. "Do you act lovey-dovey with each other?"

"Nope. But, they're both so stubborn."

Jessie smiled and laughed giddily. "Have you ever had an actual boyfriend? Or even a crush?"

My heart stopped at her words. Should I lie? Lying wouldn't make a healthy relationship. "No, I never had a boyfriend...but I do have a crush."

Her eyes lit up like fireworks, I swear. "Really? Who is it?"

I looked down. Her hand was on my knee, because I was sitting cross-legged. I can't possibly tell her. I have a crush on her. I have a crush on the janitor. That's not supposed to happen.

Instead of answering, I asked, "Do you have a boyfriend, Jessie?"

Maybe if she tells me herself that she has a boyfriend, and that she's straight, I could get over her quickly. I hope that's the case, because it was kind've scaring me. I'm not a lesbian. I'm not even bisexual. So, this was just a confusion.

"Actually, no. Haven't had one for thirteen years. The guy I dated when I was ten was a complete jerk. Her threw dirt in my face, and called me 'Potty Queen'. I hated him." Jessie smiled a little.

"So..." I needed more information.

"Yes, Sydney. I'm bisexual. Is that what you wanted to accomplish?" She still had a little grin on her face, looking straight into my eyes.

I looked away, afraid I hurt her feelings. I hope I didn't. 'Cause I really like her, I realized. No matter how wrong it is.

"I didn't mean to hurt you," I muttered, hanging my head.

"Hurt me? You didn't hurt me, Sydney. You just know more about me. I'm perfectly fine with myself. Look up."

I did as instructed, and gazed into her beautiful green eyes. Jessie grabbed both of my hands tightly. I felt a spark, but didn't say anything about it. Her hands were cool, despite the hot air.

"If there's anything bothering you, don't hesitate or be afraid to talk to me. We may barely only know each other for a day or two, but I feel this...this connection between us. And, I'd like to know you better. And not on a...janitor-to-student level. More of a personal level. If that's okay with you?"

Without hesitation, I nodded. I know it's not normal for us to have a relationship like this, but I wonder how far it will go and how long it will last. Jessie smiled and kissed my hands. Who still kisses hands nowadays? She obviously does, and I blushed.

"Remember, Sydney. Okay? I care about you. Give me a hug."

I hugged her, and sighed. She gave the best hug and smelled so good. I don't know why, but I scooted closer so I could tuck my head into her neck. She rubbed my back soothingly, and I sighed again. This was the best hug I ever recieved.

"Sydney...I haven't known you for long, but I like you already," she murmured in my red hair.

The bell rung, which meant I had to get to foods. As soon as we let go, I wanted to hug her again.

"Lets go, before your teacher throws a fit, babe."

Oh my gosh. She called me "babe". That must mean something. Or am I just overreacting?

A/N: Thank you everybody who pays attention to this story! It makes me smile when I see that somebody voted. X3

My Janitor [Jessie J] *COMPLETED* (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now