Her Own | 31. He's Coming

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1 Month Later...

"I'm ready to get this thing out of me!" Jessie hollered, plopping down on the couch. Well, more like slowly easing down.

"Aren't you rude?" I joked, sitting beside my wife.

Jessie rolled her eyes at me and let out a long sigh. "My back hurts and my feet ache, I'm tired and hungry all at the same time! Syd, this baby will be the death of me."

"I'll plan your funeral now."

Jessie glared at me. I gave her a huge grin. It amuses me to see her act like this. All moody, and then she attempts to hurt me, but we both know I'm too fast for her. Then she gets even madder at me and promises I would sleep on the couch. Only to find out that Jessie has me cuddled up with her instead.

"Baby, you only have a few weeks to go," I said, patting her hand.

We couldn't wait to find out the gender of the baby, and we made the doctor tell us. Much to Jessie's dismay, it was a boy.

"But, he's so heavy!" Jessie whined.

"And I'm sure he'll be a wrestler of some sort in the future."

Jessie gave me a look. "No! He is going to be a handsome mathematician, and would have all the girls falling for him!"

"Well, if he favors you I'm sure everybody would fall for him," I said, kissing Jessie's cheek.

She turned her head then leaned in to kiss me on my lips. I smiled at her, then ran my fingers through her hair.

"I'm thinking about cutting it short," Jessie said, picking up a lock of her hair.

"What? No! I like it like this!"

"It's too much to handle. Especially once the baby gets here. I won't have time to brush it everyday, because I'll have to deal with him."

I sighed, then laid my head on her shoulder. "I guess you're right. Anyways, are you hungry?"

"A sandwich would be fine."

"You got it, baby."

I kissed her cheek, then hopped up and went to the kitchen. I had started making a grilled cheese when I heard Jessie moan loudly.

"Are you okay?" I called to Jessie. She didn't sound okay.

"Syd...he's coming..."

Those words made my heart stop. I knew what it meant, and I was confused. He wasn't supposed to be here for another three weeks. He's early!

"Sydney! Come here!"

Panicking slightly, I turned the oven off and rushed to Jessie's aid. She was clutching her huge belly, groaning, her face morphed into one of pain. I stood there for a second, not knowing what to do. What was I supposed to do?

"Get me to the hospital!" Jessie yelled, and I made a dash to her.

She gripped my hand as she stood up, and I helped her to the car. All the while, I kept saying "Everything's gonna be alright". Probably more to myself than to Jessie. I was beyond nervous.

I then drive to the hospital, Jessie crying out in pain. Desperately I wanted to hug and comfort her, but I knew the only way to help her was get tithe hospital. Jessie Jr. was on his way!

"Syd, get me a wheelchair," Jessie ordered, clenching her teeth.

I did as she told, and she sat in it. She yelled and began crying as I wheeled her in, where doctors and nurses immediately swarmed around us.

My Janitor [Jessie J] *COMPLETED* (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now