21. She Hates Me

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My eyes went to Jessie and they softened when I saw her. The state she was in. Then I looked at Suzy, who was unconscious on the ground. I didn't kill her because she was slowly breathing.

"Is she...is she dead?" Jessie asked.

"What? No! I wouldn't kill anybody!" I defended. Why would she think I would kill someone? Did she think I was that dangerous?

"Well, you were pretty angry. I thought you would have left me."

"Maybe I should have," I muttered under my breath.

"What was that?"


A sour look on my face, I went over to my supposedly girlfriend. I stood over her and looked at the handcuffs. I tugged on them, but they didn't budge.

"Is there a bobby pin?" I asked.

Jessie told me there was one on the teacher's desk, and I retrieved it from a cup full of them. Recalling the tutorial I took a few years ago, I unlocked the handcuffs and took them off of Jessie. She rubbed her wrists, then went to hug me. Her face was buried in my chest as she repeated how sorry she was.

My heart swelled at how caring she was. When I first saw her, I was so disgusted I wanted to leave her. But when Suzy turned around to me, I saw Jessie handcuffed to the water pipe, crying. That's when anger overtook me, and my actions got the best of me.

We separated, and I stood next to Suzy's body. "We should take her home," I heard Jessie suggest.

"Do we have to?" I whined. Why not let her stay here to be found in the morning?

"Yes. I could lose my job if a student was found here while I'm here."

"Yeah, and I could cost you your job. But you're still with me, huh?" I said, crossed, picking up Suzy's body.

Jessie looked at me, and I stared back. "What was that?" She quietly asked.

I rolled my eyes and ignored her. "Lets go take this idiot home."

"No, hold on." Jessie stopped in front of me, holding her hand out. "Repeat what you said. Now."

"You're dating me! I could cause you to lose your job!"

"And?! I'm risking everything for you! I shouldn't even be talking to you so much, not even mentioning being your girlfriend!"

A frown formed upon my face. Maybe I shouldn't have said that remark from earlier. But I'm blaming it on Suzy. What if Jessie actually wanted to leave me for Suzy? Then what would I be? Even more a loser than I already am.


Suzy's body slumped against her front door, and I pressed the doorbell before hurrying back in Jessie's car. She drove off without a word to me, not even scolding about how I put Suzy there.

"I really am sorry," I repeated.

"I know," Jessie said flatly.

Yep, she hates me. It's official. It was obvious, and even more when she didn't say a word to me for the rest of the night. It would feel wrong if I just took her bed, and I tried to sleep downstairs, but Jessie only picked me up and brought me to the room. Even though we're in a fight, she still cares about my comfort. She really is a one of a kind.

Cuddling with a giant teddy bear Jessie brought me while we went to a fair, I fell into an uneasy sleep.


The next morning, I woke up to a warm body pressed into mine. Weird, I slept with a bear last night. And the bear's arms weren't long enough to wrap around my waist. I slowly opened my eyes to see Jessie, sleeping beautifully in front of me. A small smile formed on my face as I brushed a curl out of her face. My lips pressed into hers softly before I tried to get out of her grasp. She grunted and held me tighter to keep me in place.

"Jess...Jess, wake up. I need to get ready."

"Five more minutes, baby..."

She must didn't remember what happened last night. Was she even aware of how she got in here?

I shook her, and she popped out of bed, wide awake. Her eyes were wide as she looked around before settling on me. Things were quiet as I got out of bed and walked around to the bathroom. Her arm reached out to grab me, and pull me to her. I stood in between her legs, my head down. She lifted my chin up, and I gazed into her eyes.

"I'm sorry," she whispered to me.

"No, I'm sorry," I said. "I shouldn't have said what I said. I don't mean it."

"Well, I'm sorry for not accepting your apology. I do care for you. You're an amazing girl, and I...I really like you."

"I like you more," I smirked.

"Impossible," Jess grinned.

"Not impossible. Nothing's impossible."

I kissed her cheek, then left to go to the bathroom. Everything was back together again. For now.

A/N: Anybody catch Jessie's mistake? It's the second time she's done this. I had another version written out when they didn't fight, but it got deleted by Wattpad. -_- But I have this, so yah!

My Janitor [Jessie J] *COMPLETED* (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now