26. Gone

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The next morning, I woke up lying on Jessie. She slept peacefully as I sat up and stared at her as I stretched. Last night's events riches back to me, and I felt my face heat up. We actually did all that. And when it was her turn to be pleasured, I was so nervous. I didn't know what to do, and I was afraid to hurt her. She kept telling me I was doing fine, and gave me all the reassurance I needed to be confident.

Today was Sunday, which meant school was tomorrow. I didn't want t go to school. I wanted to stay right here with Jessie and do things with her that just requires us to be next to each other. And especially after the intimacy of last night, being broken up by my parents is not an option.

"Syd?" I heard Jessie croak behind me.

I turned and smiled at her. "Morning, Jess."

"How was last night?"

I started blushing again. "Best night ever. I love you so much."

"I love you too."


I took Jessie in her car to the pond I was telling her about. Ducks swam in the water, quaking. A mama duck seas being followed by her four babies, and they dunked their heads under water and shook as if they didn't know their head was going to be wet afterwards.

"It's beautiful out here," Jessie said, holding my hand.

Right now, we didn't care who saw us. I wanted to flaunt my relationship with her. To let everybody know she's mine.

"I agree. Especially while it's fall. It's almost winter."

"Which means Christmas."

"Which means my present that you have to take care of," I hinted, gazing up at her.

"Yep," she simply said to me.

So, she wasn't going to crack, I realized. Little did she know I had a present for her too. It's hidden in my book bag, a place she'll never suspect to look.

We sat down on a bench and just enjoyed nature. It's times like these I cherish the most. Where we can just sit down in silence without it being awkward at all. I lied my head on her shoulder, and she pulled me closer to her by my waist. We shared a kiss then looked out at the pond.

In the distance I saw red and blue lights, but paid no attention to them. I saw officers, and I assumed they were taking a stroll. Jessie's grip on me tightened. When they headed toward us, we hopped up, scared out of our wits. And my eyes bulged when I saw my parents behind them.

"Are you Jessica Cornish?" One of them asked.

"Yes," Jessie shakily  said.

"You are under arrest, ma'am."


"Having sexual relations with a minor," he answered, hand cutting her.

"No!" I cried, grabbing at Jessie, but the other officer pulled me back.

Tears ran down her beautiful face as she was lead back up the hill to the cop car on the other side. Delilah was yelling at Mom and Dad about my freedom. I wrestled the cop off of me and ran to the hill. There's no way they're taking my Jessie without my consent. She's my world, and I love her so much. I won't be able to stand not being next to her.

But as I stood on the top of the hill, the cop car with her in it was gone. And I broke down crying.

A/N: Sad, I know. I'm sorry if I made y'all depressed. But it just had to happen.

My Janitor [Jessie J] *COMPLETED* (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now