Her Own | 20. Immature

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"Go away, Mike," I said, my voice full of annoyance.

Jessie and I had went to the supermarket, Hazel being at Amber's house. We had separated for a little bit, and when I got back, I saw Mike flirting with Jessie. She didn't push him away immediately, which made me mad.

"I heard about your sister," Mike said. "I'm sorry."

That's when I clenched my fists, ready to hurl them at his face. Jessie grabbed my wrists and started to tell me to calm down. She moved in close to me so I couldn't see Mike no more. But it wasn't working. Why weren't her words working now? I still felt the need to yank his eyes out of their sockets.

Jessie grabbed my face and kissed me repeatedly. And that didn't work either. Nothing she did to calm me down was working like it used to. What was up with that?

"Syd, why are you still mad?" She asked, holding my face.

"I don't know! Maybe he was talking about my sister?!"

"Baby, go sit in the car."

"No. I'm not leaving you alone with him." It still bothered me how she didn't push him away, but I managed to ignore it.

Jessie rolled her eyes and told me to come on, which got me heated again. "What is your problem?" I asked.

"Why are you so immature?" Jessie angrily said.

"Me? Immature? Why would you say that?!"

"Just because he flirted with me means I have a problem? You're being really stupid right now."

I clenched my jaw then stormed away. How dare Jessie calls me immature and stupid! She knows I don't like Mike, and I imagine she's not too fond of him either. Especially after he saw her naked.

My phone was out, and I called the first person I saw that I knew could help me.


"Hi, Katy. It's me, Sydney."

"Oh, hey, Sydney! I hope you're doing okay, and that everything between you and Jessie is great."

I bit my lip. That's exactly what I wanted to talk to her about. "See, that's the thing. It's not going so great."

"Aw, what happened? Is the baby still okay?"

"Yeah, I guess so. But, I saw Mike today. And he was flirting with Jessie. And you know what? Jessie didn't push him away or anything! I saw her BLUSH! Katy, I was so mad, and then she called me immature and stupid! Like, he mentioned my sister, and I was so mad! Nothing she did calm me down! What's going on, Katy?"

Katy cleared her throat. "Still pregnant, eh? It's the hormones. Jessie's hormones are off the walls, and she's having constant mood changes. So, I wouldn't worry too much about it."

"What if she lashes out on me again? Or if she starts talking to Mike?" I worriedly asked.

"Do you really think Jessie's gonna cheat on you? Come on, Sydney. Jessie loves you inside and out, with every fiber of your being. Why would she do such a thing?"

"I'm sorry, but people make mistakes! And I'm scared that would be one of hers!"

"Do something sweet for her. Make her feel special. Treat her better than you've always treated her. Make her feel like a queen. Make her think you're too good for her. Then she won't be thinking about Mike."

"Do you think that would work?" I questioned.


"Okay. Thanks, Katy."

"No prob. Don't hesitate to call me."

We both hung up as I reached the car. A sigh escaped my lips as I unlocked the car with my key.


That night, I made Jessie a nice dinner, complete with a romantic atmosphere, and a chocolate pudding for dessert. Katy was right about it, because Jessie kept sending me seductive looks and used her leg to rub mine under the table.

"Jess, stop," I giggled as her foot went higher.

"Why? We have the house to ourselves, baby. Free to do whatever we want."

"Really, Jess. Stop. We need to talk," I seriously said.

Jessie dropped her foot and gave me a worried look. "What's wrong?"

"About the store...why did you let Mike flirt with you? That hurt me very much and I got so angry."

Jessie looked away and drunk her wine. She was avoiding my question on purpose, and I balled my fist around my napkin.

"Jessica," I said in a warning tone. She could never lie to me now.

"Fine! He said some really nice thinks that I liked. Things you've never told me before, Syd."

"Like?" I questioned, heated now.

"He said my skin was so soft. And he said I was beautiful enough to be a model, without make-up. And my eyes were the epitome of perfect."

"Just because he said some cheesy pick-up lines to you doesn't mean they're special. He probably says that to every girl! He even said that stuff to me!"

Jessie rolled her eyes. "You're just jealous."

I couldn't believe my ears. That's when I lost it. I stood from the table and headed towards the exit of the dining room. But I stopped beside Jessie, and we looked at each other.

"Jessie, you make me crazy. You're so beautiful that when you stand beside the most beautiful person in the world, you need a mirror. Because that's what you are, the most beautiful person in the world. Everything about you screams that. No, you're not perfect, but that's what makes you beautiful. The way your hair naturally curls up, and it's a mass of dark curls. The way you walk so confidently with your long legs, and your hips switch, and that leaves me in a trance. The way you're so clumsy that it's adorable and it makes me want to kiss you until you faint from not having air. The way you're so dominant, and that you have your way whenever you want it. And your eyes are so different. They have me falling on my knees for you, at how sexy they are. You can be either happy or mad, I'll always love those eyes. Like I love you, baby."

Jessie grabbed my face and smashed her lips into mine. It filled my body with that feeling again, and I kissed her back. Her hands roamed my body as she stood up also, and she began backing me out of the kitchen. She tugged my dress over my head, then pushed me into the couch, the nearest piece of furniture. As she heatedly kissed me, her hands touched all of my body, and I moaned into her mouth. I guess this was her way of apologizing for earlier.

My Janitor [Jessie J] *COMPLETED* (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now