My Lover | 14. Packing

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Delilah and Katy came over the next day, after we got the deed to the house and the keys and the rights and everything. They, of course, were ecstatic about it and helped as soon as they came, carrying in boxes from various places. Rhonda couldn't come due to work, but she said she'll help us unpack when we move everything to the house.

"I'm so happy for you, sis!" Dee exclaimed as we packed supplies in the kitchen.

"Thanks, Dee. To finally get away from Stephen is a miracle."

"What about your marriage?" I noticed her eyes go to my hand.

"Mom's got me divorce papers," I happily announced.

For the sake of her confusion, I explained everything that happened a few days ago. How I visited Mom and how she approved of Jessie and I. Her face lit up the whole time I was telling her the story.

"You deserve it," she told me. "You deserve all the happiness in the world. Meaning, you should start doing gymnastics again."

The obvious hint made me shake my head. "I don't know if I still have it in me."

"The girls miss you so much, Syd! Every night they ask me if you're coming back. They look up to you, Syd. Please come back?"

"I'll think about it."

That seemed to convince Delilah enough, so she started asking about the house. I described everything I could remember to her, picturing it in my mind. I kept quiet about the room we had picked for the baby. Yet, when I failed to mention it to her, I couldn't help this feeling wash over me. It was giddiness or joy. It felt different. Not in a good way either. Probably normal in pregnancy, with the hormones and everything. But I couldn't help but mentally note to ask Dr. Cartman about it. I don't remember hearing anything about this in pregnant women. Sure, I've experienced back pain, but I don't  even have a protruding belly yet.

"Are you okay?" I heard Delilah asked, and I snapped my eyes open. I must've been on my way to a nap during our conversation.

"Yeah," I assured, yawning. I don't remember being this tired before. Maybe the symptoms were really kicking in now. I just hope Jessie doesn't find out, or else she'll spoil me rotten and make me stay in bed all day. Not what I need right now.

"Do you need Jessie?" Dee stood up a bit.

"No! I'm fine. Just a little tired is all." I didn't dare tell her about the surprise. I want to tell them the perfect time. Or whenever it's obvious and I can't hide it any longer. Whichever comes first.

Delilah started to smirk at me. "Has Jessie been wearing you out?"

"What?" I asked, raising and eyebrow.

"You night."

"Delilah!" I shouted, swatting her arm as she laughed maniacally.

Little did she know she was far from the truth. Jessie and I haven't had sex since she's been out. Neither one of us were verbally complaining, but sometimes I wish we could just spend one night like that. The night she took my virginity was our only night we were intimate like that.

"It's only a question," Delilah pointed out, pulling out a skillet and putting it in the box. "Just answer it with as little or as much detail as you want."

"No, Dee. We haven't had sex," I truthfully stated in a whisper. Didn't need Jessie or Katy overhearing us.

"What? Why?"

"Because it's not the time for it. There's so much going on right now, I can't just go up to her and ask."

Delilah frowned slightly, staying quiet for a moment. I yawned a few more times during the period of silence.

"Is it Stephen? Did he do something to you?" She finally asked.

"Why does he have to be the cause of my problems? Why can't there be a reasonable explanation?" I could feel myself begin th be antsy.

"No, I was just wondering, Syd! I'm sorry."

I sighed. I was just really tired. "No, I'm sorry. I'm tired, so I'll go up to bed."

Dee helped me up, and I left the kitchen. Jessie and Katy were laughing about something as I passed the living room, and I felt Jessie's eyes on me. As I reached for the stairs, Jessie was right behind me. I sleepily smiled at her.

"You okay, baby?" She asked, holding my cheeks.


"Okay. Go get you some rest. Don't want you to use all your energy, need to save most for someone else." She grinned cheekily at me.

"You're so weird."

"I know. I'll be up there to check on you, call if you need anything. 'Night, beautiful."

"'Night, Jess."

We shared a quick kiss before I disappeared up the stairs and into her room. Well, our room. Kirby sat in his cage, eating a celery stick. I yawned once again before changing into short and a t-shirt and climbing into bed. The giant teddy bear kept me company as I dosed off.

A/N: Thanks to @JessCornishIsMyQueen, I've decided to give this lively couple a shipname! It's Jessney, since it was the only decent one I could come up with. And there's the new title! Isn't it awesome? You don't have to agree, I just thought so.

My Janitor [Jessie J] *COMPLETED* (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now