Her Own | 11. Three Promises

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"Gloria, I want him gone!" I demanded the next day, standing in her office.

Gloria slid off her glasses and sighed. "What did Mike do now, Sydney?"

"He walked in on me and Jessie!" I felt my face heat up in embarrassment. He saw everything we had. Everything.

"He walked in on you...?"

"In our...intimate moment."

Gloria's eyes widened, getting what I meant. "Oh dear."

"Yeah. And that was the last straw. He broke into our house, and Jessie had to get a new lock. Look, I'm sorry, but I can't deal with him any longer."

"Okay, okay. Let's think about this, Sydney, before we make any harsh decisions. I've been thinking, and I thought he was doing this because of you and Jessie. He's probably never seen women like you two before, and you have to admit you two make an attractive couple. Maybe he wasn't thinking straight while he was doing those things. And I've heard him flirting with you."

I made a gagging sound. "Never going to happen."

"Why don't you make him realize that?"

"I do! Everyday! He doesn't listen! And I don't want him terrorizing us when the baby comes!"

The last part slipped out of my mouth, and I quickly covered it, hoping Gloria didn't catch it. But she did. And she smiled at me.


"Er, yeah. We were planning on having one soon. And he can't keep doing this."

Gloria nodded, tapping her pen against her desk. "Okay, I'll talk to him, Sydney."

"Thank you."


The moment I opened the door, I felt a body crash into me, and I quickly supported it. Black curls covered my face immediately afterwards.

"God, Jessie! You can't scare me like that!" I exclaimed, holding her and walking back inside the house.

Jessie pulled back so I could see her beautiful face. She smiled and kissed me softly. "I went today."

"Seriously?" I couldn't stop the grin from spreading across my face.

She nodded proudly. "Katy came with me. As of right now, I've been fertilized."

As weird as that sounded, I was happy. Jessie was supposed to go to some place for the whole process so she could get pregnant. I'm not sure how it works, but I'm happy.

"They let me see pictures of the guys. And one of them looked a lot like a male version of you," Jessie continued.

"So you..."

"So I chose him. That way, there's a possibility the baby will look like you. Won't that be great?"

Of course Jessie would so something like that. She's a sucker for me, as I am for her.

"That's amazing as long as it's what you want."

"If course I want that, Syd. You're my world. I love you so much."

"I love you, too, Jessie."

With Jessie still hanging on to me, I went up to our room. The woman on top of me giggled the whole way there as if she was drunk. Once there, I laid my wife on the bed and climbed on top of her. We shared a slow, loving kiss before I pulled away.

"Now, Jess," I said. "Being pregnant isn't going to be the same as it is now. You're going to change, a lot. You're going to be moodier and hormonal, and if you hit me, I'm hitting you back."

Jessie laughed her beautiful laugh before paying attention to me once again.

"Anyways, this baby will change a lot of things. And you have to promise me some things. Like one, don't neglect Hazel."

"I would never!" Jessie gasped. "I love her as if she came from myself!"

"Two, don't spoil him or her."

"I've never spoil anybody in my life."

"Oh, really? What about everything's that's in Hazel's room? Our honeymoon to Hawaii? Or what about yesterday?"

Jessie rolled her eyes. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Sure, you don't. Three...don't forget about me."

Jessie looked puzzled in the last thing. "Forget you? How could I do that?"

"Just promise me, Jessie."

She sat up and cupped my face with her cool hands. "I promise all of those things. Especially the last one. I could never forget about the woman that made my life whole. Who stole my heart. Who I've loved since day one. How could I forget about you?"

"Just don't."

She pulled my face closer and kissed me with all her might, and I reciprocated her. I was afraid she would be so wrapped up in the baby that she would forget I was there. That I was her wife. And she would get so wrapped up in her child that Hazel and I would be nothing to her.

"Syd...If I do change, would you slap some common sense into me? Literally. I want you to smack me so hard I can't think straight."

"If things ever get that serious, I will. But it will be full of love."

Jessie pushed some hair behind her ear. "And Syd?"


"If the baby's a boy, could he have your father's name?"

The question shocked me, to say the least. She wanted our baby boy to have my father'a name. Another perfect example of why I was so deeply in love with her.

"Only if that's--"

"That's what I want," Jessie quickly said, kissing my forehead.

"Okay, then."

A/N: By any chance, does anybody remember her father's name? I think I stated it, but forgot. If you could tell me it, I'll love you forever. 😘

And here's Sydney with purple hair.

My Janitor [Jessie J] *COMPLETED* (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now