9. Jessie's House

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                                A few minutes before eleven, I got a text from Jessie saying she was here. I've emptied my bank that I hid in the back of my closet into my small bag. Honestly, I was still terrified about what my parents would say. So, I've decided to stay away from home a couple of days or so. Yes, I was that scared. You may call it "overreacting", but I call it "thinking ahead".

Slinging my bag ony shoulder, I hurried down the stairs, only encountering my mom on the way.

"Hey, Syd. Good morning, what's wrong? Where are you going?" She bombarded me, holding my shoulder.

"Uh, a friend's house. Um, I gotta go. 'Bye! Don't look for me!" I spat out, running out the front door.

Jessie's sleek car sat in front of the house, a huge smile capturing my face. I quickly got in, and she pulled off. The car ride was silent, and it made me feel uneasy. I wanted to say something to her. Anything to her. About the kiss, mostly, but I was scared at the reaction I might get.

"I really am sorry," Jessie finally said as we stopped at a stoplight. "I shouldn't have done that at your house last night. It was stupid and irresponsible of me. I don't know what came over me."


"It's not okay, Syd. We'll talk more at my house."

The rest of the ride was quiet and uncomfortable. Jessie probably regrets trying to kiss me, I know it. But, I don't regret kissing her. Even if I am confused about my sexuality, I know for sure I wanted to--and liked--doing that. Though I say it's my best decision, it may also have been my worst.

Jessie's house was beautiful. It looked newly painted, and the lawn was beautiful and healthy-looking. One glance at it, you wouldn't even think a janitor lived here. It was big, you'd think someone wealthy lived there. Not that she isn't wealthy! But, I...

"I own it," she stated, getting out.

"Uh, it's very beautiful."

"Thank you."

Her tone wasn't its usual happy one. It was more flat and unimpressed. Man, she must hate me.

She gave me a tour of the house, which was quicker than I expected. I thought she'd comment on everything and every room we entered, but she just gave me the name of the room and that's it. Her parents bought her the house, saying it was the least they could do, since she wouldn't run the business. We ended up back in the living room, and we both sat on the couch. A great amount of space was in between us. Her cat, Toby I'm guessing, leaped onto the couch, and sniffed my hand.

"That's Toby," Jessie nodded towards the orange and yellow cat. He was quite round for a cat, with a squashed in face. Somehow, he was both ugly and cute at the same time.

Toby crawled into my lap and sat in it. I scratched behind his ear, and he purred. "He's so cute," I commented.

"Yeah. Would you like something to drink?" She asked, getting up.

"Um, no thanks."

Jessie disappeared in the kitchen for a few minutes before coming out with a cup of tea. She resumed her spot on the couch, setting the tea down. Even when she looks disappointed, she's still beautiful. Her hair was in a curly bun, one lock on the side of her face. She had the minimal make-up on, like usual. She wore sweatpants and a plain t-shirt, that exposed her tattoo on her arm, with sneakers. In the simplest clothing, she's breath-taking.

"We need to talk, Sydney," she said suddenly.

Toby, who was now lying in my lap, meowed when I turned my body to face Jessie more. She gave me a tight smile before starting. "About last night, Syd, I really am sorry. I didn't want you to be in trouble or anything, and I hope you aren't. And about what happened in the car...I know you didn't mean to kiss me, and that it was a mistake--"

My Janitor [Jessie J] *COMPLETED* (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now