Her Own | 29. Heartbeat #2

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The next morning, I woke up to the smell of pancakes. My favorite. Obviously, Jessie was trying to make up for her wrong-doing, and I appreciated it. Though, it still hurt me that she would look to Mike to make her feel better. But, if I hadn't thought about Jessie, I would've been in the same predicament as her.

"Morning, Sydney!" Katy cheerfully greeted, sipping on a mug of what looked like coffee.

"Good morning," I responded.

I looked up just in time to see Jessie glance back at me. Upon meeting my gaze, she gasped then hurried to turn back around. My heart felt heavy. She was afraid of me...

"Morning, Jessie," I said, going to get coffee as well. The machine was beside the stove, so I had to walk up beside her to get to it.

"G-good morning," she stuttered, not looking at me.

I got my drink just how I wanted it, then headed out the kitchen.

"What? No breakfast?" Katy called.

"I'm not hungry," I truthfully answered.

As I walked away, I thought I heard a sob, but decided to ignore it. I shouldn't be mad at her, I realize. I was the one who said she could be with anybody. And Mike was who she chose. But I can't let it go that easily.

I went to our room, seeing Kirby on the made-up bed. I rubbed his ears for a bit before gathering my belongings so I could shower in the bathroom down the hall. Turning around, I saw Jessie walk into the room. When she saw me, she gasped. Her eyes were red and swollen, as if she cried the whole night. Over me.

"Sorry," she mumbled, making her way out the room, before being pushed back in. Katy pushed her again until Jessie was close to me.

"Look, I'm not going to be in a house with two grown women not talking to each other. You two are married. Act like it, and apologize to each other!" Katy scolded, standing at the door and crossing her arms.

We stood there for a minute, not saying anything to the other. Jessie looked so pale, and her dark hair contrasted with her skin. She opened her mouth and said, "I'm so sorry, Syd. I never meant for anything like that to happen. I just...I wasn't thinking. I'm a huge idiot, and I wish I could take it all back. I really do. It's just...please forgive me?"

Jessie bit her bottom lip and gazed at me, as if frightened. Her green eyes pierced into my body. She was telling the truth, just from the way she looks at me. With all sincerity and honesty.

I walked up to her, and she continued biting her lip. Full of regret from yelling at her last night, I cupped a cheek with my hand and brought her face down to mine. We both stayed like that, our faces hovering near each other. Until I leaned in so our lips could meet.

Jessie kissed back with so much love and so much passion, and I reciprocated it. I forgave her as our kiss deepened, forgetting about Katy being in the room also.

"Hey! I'm here still, you know?" Katy said, as if reading my thoughts.

I waved her off, still kissing Jessie. Though I couldn't forget about the situation, I forgive her. This was Jessie, I had to forgive her. She was my woman. My lover. My everything. I needed her in my life so I could actually live.

"I love you so much, Syd, and I'm so sorry. I promise to never do anything as stupid as that again," Jessie said against my lips.

"I know," I whispered, kissing her again. "I know."


A week later, we were sitting in a doctor's office, waiting for Jessie to be seen. She held my hand lovingly as we talked about the gender it would be.

"A boy," I proudly proclaimed.

"Nah, it's a girl."

"Can the doctor tell us? So we know I'm right?" I asked teasingly.

"Actually, no. It's too early. And besides, it'll be a girl."

"In your dreams!"

The doctor came in and asked us a few questions. Then he went and sat Jessie up for the ultrasound. Jessie held my hand the whole time. She seemed so excited about it, about the baby, about our family extending.

The doctor put the wand against Jessie's belly, and we all listened as a soft, steady beat filled the room. A huge grin spread across our faces at the sound. Jessie pressed her forehead against mine.

"Their heart is healthy," the doctor said, smiling and nodding at us. "And everything seems to be fine."

"I'm so happy," Jessie said, leaning back on the bed. "I have a living being inside me, Syd! I love this feeling!"

The doctor removed the wand and wiped the gel off her stomach. He said some things to us, then walked out the room. I kissed Jessie on her stomach and smiled back up at her.

"There'll be a mini you running around," I said. "But, you know, in a boy form."

"As if. She'll look just like me."

"Keep dreaming, baby. Keep dreaming..."

A/N: Yay, they made up! Anyways, the end of the book will be nearing soon. Just a few more chapters. And they'll mainly be fluff. And then I'm done writing about Jessney. *sniffs*

My Janitor [Jessie J] *COMPLETED* (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now