Her Own | 8. The Last Straw

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After watching Jessie leave for work, it was just me and Hazel for a while. We watched tv with each other, then took a walk, and I even taught her how to make some thing I remember back in high school when I took cooking classes. That Jessie helped me with, of course.

Then it was time to go to the studio, and we left. Pretty soon, the anger from earlier this morning started to fill my body up as I got closer to the building. I would have to see Mike again, and it'll be hard trying bit to give him a piece of my mind in front if all these kids.

The amount of children participating here has grown ever since our first few competitions, where we placed 2nd and 1st in. Even boys tried it and loved it. Seeing kids love gymnastics makes me proud, because I know that I've changed their lives for the better.

Gloria met me at the door, smiling. "Er, Sydney, you got a moment?" She kindly asked.


I nudged Hazel softly, and she ran off to the other kids. They've warmed up to her and like her a lot now. I'm assuming it's because of when they saw how high she placed in competition.

"Is anything going on between you and Mike?" Gloria asked as we stepped outside the building.

"Gloria...I really don't like him," I admitted.

"I can see that. But he's told me you allowed him to sleep at your house. Honey, if something's wrong with you and Jessie, cheating is not the answer--"

"Whoaaaaa! Whoa, wait! You think...me and him? That we're...Wow..."

This was strangely humorous to me. Never, in a billion years, would I be with that dirtbag. Not even if we were the last humans in earth and have to repopulate the world. Uh, I guess there would be no more humans!

"Sorry, Gloria, but that was hilarious. But, I'm happy with Jessie and I would never be with him. See, his lights were off and I said he could sleep in the yard, in his car. But, miscommunications were made, and I found him in my house."

Gloria nodded, believing the story. "I guess that's logical. Because I could never imagine you and Jessie splitting up. It seems unreal."

"Totally. So, Mike was sort of lying. And I really don't like him, Gloria."

"But, he's so great with the kids! The boys are happy that a man's there to demonstrate. Just give him another shot. Please?"

She was right. The boys seem a little awkward trying to do the movements correct, so a guy on the staff would be helpful. Sighing heavily, I agreed. But I wasn't doing this for him. I was doing it for the kids. Besides, they would wonder what happened to him for him to be gone so quickly. I don't want to tell them he got fired.

So when I got back inside the cool building, I wasn't at all surprised to see everybody crowded around Mike. He turned and saw me, shot me a wink, then came over to me.

"Everybody, Ms. Tenner is--"

"Mrs. Tenner," I corrected.

"Yeah, she's back!"

The kids cheered and hugged me like little angels they are. They lit up my mood dramatically, but I still had a strong dislike for Mike, and nothing could change that.


A week has passed since that morning, and Mike has gotten no better. He shows up at our door every day for something stupid. If he wasn't talking about gymnastics or asking Jessie about her day, he was asking for sugar or borrowing our weed-eater.

"I'm ready to kill him," I groaned, throwing myself on the bed from a shower I shared with Jessie. It wasn't anything like that, just an innocent shower with a few teasing touches here and there.

"Babe, relax," Jessie cooed, sitting beside me and stroking my hair.

"I can't! He's so annoying! And his flirting is beyond stupid!"

Jessie tensed up at the last sentence. Mike would not stop flirting with me, and I'm ready to cut his lips off. She sighed heavily and sat on top of me.

"Well, he should know that you're all mine. Right?" She asked, drawing patterns on my chest.

"I tell him that every day. I guess having a wife isn't a danger sign with him."

Jessie bent down to passionately kiss me, and I hugged her tighter to my body. It was late at night, so he couldn't bother to come and bother us at this time. Hazel was asleep or in her room watching tv. So we basically had the house to ourselves.

My wife peeled her shirt off, leaving her completely naked. My jaw dropped at the sight of her nude, soft body. She smirked down at me before undressing me herself.

Soon, Mike was completely forgotten as I switched our places and I pushed Jessie down into the bed. Her legs were spread wide in the air, and I gave her neck lots of kisses as my hand teases her intimate area. Jessie's breathing grew rigid with every passing second. Finally, I took two finger and entered her, hearing her moan in delight. And as I began moving my fingers inside of this beautiful woman, I heard the door bang open and an annoying voice reach my ears.

"Hey, Sydney, I--whoa!"

Jessie screamed and pushed me off while pulling a blanket over the two of us. Mike smirked at us, and I, legit, wanted to choke him with my bare hands.

"MIKE!" I screamed.

"Well, hello--"

I don't remember what I said afterwards, but a flurry of insults escaped my mouth and aimed at Mike. I called him every name in the book, making sure I said them with enough hatred and malice. Jessie stared horrified at me as I continued until my voice was hoarse. Mike hurried out after I threw a hard heel at his head, which would've hit him perfectly if he hadn't moved.

Jessie calmed me down after he left, hugging me and kissing me like a good wife. Soon, my anger ebbed away with Jessie's soothing words in my ear.

"Want me to make you a drink?" Jessie asked, stroking my arm lightly.

"No, I'm fine. I just want to sleep," I said, my voice about gone.

Jessie sighed, kissed my cheek, then cuddled with me as I fought for sleep.

My Janitor [Jessie J] *COMPLETED* (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now