Her Own | 30. 6 Months Later

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A/N: Okay, so the actual surprise for the over 250 followers is...an imagines book! Yay! Um, it's called Under One Condition, and you should totally go read it. It's different than the traditional imagines you see, but I hope you like it. And it won't be updated regularly, just saying. And for those who requested stories, I'm writing them, and there will be more info on them at the Author's Note at the end if the chapter. M'kay.

6 Months Later

Jessie groaned as she made her way down the stairs, her belly bigger and rounder. It reminded me of a conversation I had with my mom when we talked about Jessie being pregnant. She was really cute wobbling around. And yet, she's managed to still look insanely attractive.

"Hey, baby," I said, kissing her cheek. "Have a great sleep?"

Jessie sighed. "It would've been better if I wasn't so used to getting up early."

I giggled and handed her a cup of coffee, just the way she likes it.

"Hazel! Breakfast!" I called, sitting a plate in front of Jessie, and another in front of the place Hazel sat.

Soon, the little girl who had grown bounded into the kitchen, backpack over her shoulder. She grabbed her plain stack of pancakes and kissed Jessie and I on our cheeks.

"Wait, where are you going? We drive you to school!" I called.

"Amber and I have a project to finish! 'Bye, I love you!" She yelled back, shutting the door.

"Love you...too," I said with a sigh. "She needs to learn to not procrastinate."

Jessie nodded, already having ate half her plate. "I blame you."

"Why?" I gasped in mock anger.

"You watch movies with her at night, and then the two of you practice gymnastics or whatever."

I smirk at her. "You don't complain when I do a split over your face when you--"

"Syd!" Jessie cried. Her face grew red, and I couldn't help but laugh. She was just so adorable. I leaned in and kissed her softly on her lips.

"I love you," I mumbled against her soft lips.

"I love you more," she said, kissing me again before pulling away completely.

I bent down so I was face-to-face (or face-to-belly) with our baby. "And I love you too, little man."

"Sydney, stop! You're hurting her feelings," Jessie giggled.

"So, are you going to yoga today?" I asked, twirling a lock of Jessie's curly hair.

"No. I'm here all day."

"That's good. Because Kendall and Greg will be teaching today," I said, smirking slightly.

After what I told Gloria about Mike, she fired him on the spot. Two of her kids came to help her out, since their whole family are into gymnastics. Kendall was in the Olympics and won medals, and Greg just did it for fun. It was nice having more than just two people to teach the children, especially since one of them was a guy who was way better than Mike.

I ran into Mike one day, and was so tempted to murder him, but Jessie pulled me away and went up to him herself. Being the idiot he was, he tried to hug her, but she landed him with a loud slap on his face. Right then and there, I knew I fell so hard for her.

Whenever I could, I went down and visited my father and sister at the cemetery. I told them how much better Jessie and I have been, how the baby was, and I teased Delilah saying it was totally going to be a boy.

Katy returned to her normal life, checking up on us periodically. She was such a good friend to both of us. I'm not sure how we would've gotten along without her.

Rhonda and the gentleman from Hawaii are living together now, and I'm super happy for her. She needs to settle down with a good guy.

My mom was living great with her dog, Buster, by her side. She's set on living alone with my father's memories, no matter how many times I tell her to find another guy, and that Dad won't be mad at her.

Lucy wagged her tail as she jumped on top of me and licked my face. Jessie giggled as she watched me wrestle Lucy to the ground. It was hard, considering how energetic she was nowadays. I think that's where Jessie's energy has went.

"Gotcha!" I exclaimed, scratching Lucy's belly.

Lucy thumped her foot against the ground as she was being scratched in the right place.

"I love you guys," Jessie laughed.

I stopped and looked up at my wife. "I love you more."

"As if!"

I stood, abandoning Lucy. Jessie stood also, I wrapped my arms around her neck as she held my waist. Then we just gazed in each other's eyes. Her perfect green ones gazing into my somewhat blue ones. And we just stayed like that for a while.

Jessie bent down and kissed me passionately. I reciprocated it, feeling the love we share for each other in it. My hands went to her hair, that I loved since day one.

"You're the best thing that has happened to me," I told Jessie I between kisses.

"You're my everything," Jessie responded.

"Yeah, right."

"You don't believe me?" Jessie asked.

I shook my head, biting my lip at what I was hinting at.

Jessie caught on and started backing out the kitchen. With me in tow. The things this woman does to me...💕

A/N: About two more chapters to go...

Okay, for jess4evs , your request is being written as we speak. Or read. Whatever. Is it okay, if the ages are changed? Like Jessie being younger?

isthatLA yours is being thought about. I'm playing with some ideas, and yeah.

And HeartbeatPortugal27 , yours is planning to be a sequel for my story Imagine That. (Yes, there will be a sequel, those who read that story also. You're welcome. :3)

And that's that! M'kay, baiii!

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