Her Own: Summary/Chapter 1

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The newly weds, Jessie and Sydney are starting out their new lives perfectly. With a loving family to take care of, and a job where her kids love her, Sydney couldn't be any happier. But when Jessie demands for a new addition to her family, and a new co-captain for her squad shows up, can Sydney keep up her happiness?


The sun's rays blinded me as I opened my eyes, and I quickly shut them. My arm reached out to hit something soft and warm, and I reopened my eyes to see my girlfriend.

Correction: my wife. A smile creeper upon my face as I remember yesterday. The beautiful layout. Jessie walking down the aisle. Meeting her parents! I finally got to meet her wonderful parents, who aren't as bad as Jessie made them out to be. Along with a very expensive painting, they gifted us with toilet paper. At least a year's worth, which is sitting in the back of the car now.

Fully awake now, I sat up and stretched, noticing I was naked. Well, it was our wedding night, and I'm not going to pretend we're innocent little angels, because we aren't. Jessie grunted in her sleep, and reached her arm out at me. She struggled to pull me back to her, but I finally gave in and cuddled into her side. At that time, she slowly opened her eyes. They landed on me, and she smiled.

"Hey," she said in a husky morning voice.

"Hi," I responded, wrapping my arm around her waist.

"Some night, huh?"

I nodded in agreement. I've never felt so good in my life until last night. A light blush appeared on my cheeks, and Jessie laughed.

"Don't be ashamed. I'm your wife now. We're supposed to do these things. And I absolutely love how you have my name now."

"Me too. Tenner's too boring--"

"But I liked it! I never heard of a Tenner before. Until I met you, of course." Jessie smiled down at me, and my heart skipped a beat.

Her smile was so beautiful, I was always in awe when I see it. Especially at the wedding, since Jessie wouldn't stop grinning. She couldn't stop even if she wanted to. It was beyond adorable to say the least.

"Did you have fun yesterday?" Jessie asked.

"Of course I did!"

"What was your favorite part?"

I shyly looked down. "Where the priest actually wed us."

"Awwwww!" Jessie awed, sitting up and giving me a deep kiss. "You're just too sweet, Syd! I love you!"

"I love you more."

Jessie grinned at me, then started playing with my newly purple hair. (Jessie kept complaining how she wanted my hair to be colored, so I dyed it again.) "What did I do to deserve you?"

"I'm asking that same question," I grinned.

"So what do you want to do today? After all, we are in Hawaii," Jessie stated, smiling down at me.

True, we did decide to have our Honeymoon in Hawaii instead of some cliché place like Paris, with romance budding everywhere, and being cold. Jessie had already put up with that when she was younger. For twenty-two years. Her parents had paid for us, despite Jessie and I's declines. I didn't want them to think I was just using their daughter for her money.

"Right now, can we just sleep? I'm super tired from all the excitement," I admitted, a yawn coming on as if on cue.

"Okay. When we get up, don't forget to call your mom, okay?" She reminded me, moving to get out the bed.

"Mmmhmm," I mumbled, watching Jessie as she dressed in shorts and a tank top. She really has a body on her, I can't lie.

"I wonder how Hazel is doing. And the girls now that you're gone. I hope they got along with the new guy fine." Jessie continued, referring to my job I work at, a gymnastics coach for a local team in the town we stayed at.

"Yea--wait, what?!?"

Jessie turned around, gripping her wedding dress in her hands. "Yeah, you didn't know? Gloria had sent you a text explaining everything.  I think it's a good thing, too. Give you some sort of break sometimes."

"You're saying that there's some stranger  with my girls? Jessie, I don't like this! What if he's a rapist? What if he burns down the studio? WHAT IF HE KILLS THEM ALL?!?"

Jessie grasped my shoulders, stopping me from saying anything else. I stared into her green eyes, willing for her to calm me down. "Syd, everything will be alright, baby. I even met him, knowing you would have suspicions. He's great, honey."

"But I don't know him. Jessie, my nerves are bouncing off the walls right now. You don't understand, right now."

"If you want, you can ask Hazel about him, okay? Will that help you, baby?"

"Yes, Jessie."

She smiled then kissed me passionately. I entangled my fingers in her hair, pulling her closer to me. I needed her reassurance, that everything will be okay.

"Quit worrying about everything. This is your time to relax, Syd. Don't let anybody ruin it. Do you want breakfast?"

I shook my head slowly, pulling her by her waist closer to me. All I want is for her to be with me. It may sound corny, but she relaxes me, she calms me. Even when she's not trying to. It's hard to not feel positive around Jessie. She gives me life. From the first day my eyes landed on her, she's secretly stolen my heart.

And while my head rested her clothed chest and her body hug against mine, I listened to her steady breathing before drifting off once again.

A/N: Heyyyyyy! Here's a sweet little chapter for you all. This book will definitely be brighter than our last. *shivers*

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