7. The Stupidest Thing

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Rhonda gave me a smirk as soon as I asked her. She sat down the drink she was holding, and leaned against the counter. I was hoping she would cut all of this out and say 'yes' for Pete's sake.

"You want to talk with Jessie? Your girlfriend, right?"

"Rhonda, no. She's just a friend! Please?"

She pursed her red lipstick-stained lips. "Sure, baby. I got you."

Overcame with joy, I gave her a big hug before dashing out to Jessie's table. Jessie had her hoodie facing the menu, which was opened right in front of her. I sat down across from her as she looked up to smile at me.

"I take it she said you could," she grinned, pushing her hoodie back a bit.

I nodded, unable to contain my smile. "Yeah. So, what drink do you want?"

"A vanilla milkshake. With two straws, please. And here." Jessie gave me a twenty-dollar-bill. "Keep the change." She winked at me, and the retarded butterflies awoke.

After getting her drink, I came back with what she ordered. Jessie stuck the two straws in the cup, and nodded at me. "You like vanilla?" She asked, sipping from her straw.

"Yeah. You didn't hav--"

"I wanted to, Sydney. It's a treat."

"For what?"

"...Oh, I don't know. For being beautiful. Being smart. Being...you." Jessie shrugged, taking another sip.

My cheeks heated up as I looked away. I'm so tempted to blurt out all my feelings to her in that instant. But, it's a bad setting, and it's not even legal. I'm underaged, and she could be in jail. Yet, that didn't stop my feelings for her.

"Are you flirting with me?" I asked, grinning at her. Maybe joking will get my mind off it.

She shrugged, tucking some hair behind her ear. "Maybe. You never know."

"Well, you're beautiful. And hot. At the same time."

Now it was her turn to blush. Awww, she looks straight up adorable when she blushes. And it made me want to reach forward and kiss her to death. To feel her lips against mine and relieve myself of all this frustration. But, again: not the right place. Forget being underaged, I didn't care about that.

"Such a charmer, aren't we?"

I shrugged. "I'm just telling the truth. Not trying to be a charmer or whatever."

Her blush started to fade as a small smile made its way on her face. "You really think so?"

"Jessie, I know so. I'm kinda surprised you're single. I'm sure some people are flirting with you, wanting you to be their girlfriend. Look at you!"

"Yeah, I know. But, I already have my eyes on someone."

"Oh. I wonder who," I dumbly say. She already likes someone else? That made my chances with her below zero if she actually does, and wants them.

"Well, I can't..." Jessie trailed off before gasping and whipping the hoodie fully over her head.

Leaving me totally confused, I looked around to see why she was hiding. It was only people eating and talking. Rhonda and my sister were taking orders. And then there was Rachel, pulling a mop bucket out of the women's bathroom. She stared at me whilst going by, and I smiled at her. Rachel never returns my smiles.

"Is she gone?" Jessie quietly asked.

"Who? Rhonda? Delilah? Rachel?" I asked, I was so lost.

"Tell me who's out!"

My Janitor [Jessie J] *COMPLETED* (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now