My Lover | 26. Surprise Guest

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The roof of the house became my thinking spot. A place where I can relax and think to myself. I've been up here for two hours now, and I haven't heard a thing from Jessie.

How could she not have told me this before? I wouldn't have such a big problem and I'd have just brushed it off. But, she's hidden this from me, after she said she doesn't like keeping secrets.

I knew she didn't act like all stereotypical rich girls, but I just had to say it. She should've told me. Now it made me wonder if there was anything else she was hiding from me.

"Sydney? Baby, come here."

I stayed silent.

"I know you're up here. Seriously, you need to come see this. It's important."

"What, Jessie?" I growled.


That made me realize whatever she was trying to show me was important. Jessie hardly swears, and not so loudly. I heard her excuse herself and apologize in a quieter voice, but I knew it wasn't directed to me. So, I did what she said.

Little Hazel stood in front of Jessie, looking up at me with her big, brown eyes. Jessie was lost for words and only shrugged.

"Hazel? Why are you here?" I asked sweetly, bending down to her height.

"Syd, I found her walking, alone, at night," Jessie answered. Hazel hung her head.

"Why were are you alone?" I asked, tilting her head up.

Hazel sighed. "I couldn't handle it anymore."

"Handle what, honey?"

"Being there, with Mike and Angie. I hate them."

"Where are your parents?"

"Dead. In a car crash."

My eyes shot to Jessie's, looking for any confirmation. Jessie nodded. "You didn't know that?"

"Of course not! I just thought she was...poor," I admitted.

Hazel shook her head. "Mike and Angie are my foster parents. But they only do it for money. They don't treat me like a daughter or anything. They hit me and hurt me, Ms. Sydney."

I stroked her cheek with my thumb. "Why haven't you told me?"

Hazel shrugged. "I didn't think it was important."

"Hazel, that's important. You have to tell somebody these things so they can help you. And, I don't feel right returning you to Angie and Mike now. So you can stay here for now."

"They won't even miss me," Hazel said.

I stood straight to see Jessie ecstatic. She really wanted to keep Hazel, it was written all over her face.

"Did you bring any clothes?" I asked.

Hazel shook her head. "I didn't think about that."

"It's okay," Jessie butted in. "I have more clothes. You can go and watch some tv while, er, Ms. Sydney and I talk, okay?"

The young girl nodded and bounded out of sight.

"Jess, is it oka--"

"Syd, I'm sorry," Jessie interrupted, grasping my hands. "It was stupid of me to keep such a big secret from you. We're together, we make decisions together. It's only right. And I promise to keep nothing from you anymore. You're too important to lose because of my stupidity."

She was the cutest thing, and I couldn't help smiling at her. "It's fine, baby. Just don't do it again."

Jessie kissed me. "Never again, Syd. Never again, I promise."

"Now...about Hazel. Would it be okay if she stayed here?" I asked, biting my lip nervously.

"Only if you're okay with it." Jessie had slid her arms around my waist, making us be even closer together.

"Just wondering. And I saw the way you looked at me when I said it."I smirked up at Jessie, seeing her blush.

"Shut up. I get excited sometimes."

"Sometimes?" I joked, walking off, leaving her stuttering to herself.


"This is your room!" I announced to Hazel, entering a bedroom with white walls and a queen-sized bed. Jessie and I had decided this would be a guestroom when we first visited the house with the sales agent.

Hazel grinned a toothy grin at me as she drug her stuffed bunny into the room with her. "Thank you, Ms. Sydney! It's much better than my other room!"

The smile faltered slightly. "How come?"

"I used to see rats and bugs in my room at night. And a whole wall wasn't there. Just the wooden parts."

Jessie, who was behind me, sucked in a breath. Neither of us could hardly believe she came from such awful conditions.

Hazel, in a shirt of Jessie's, climbed into her new bed, which dwarfed her from how big it was. Jessie slipped in the room from behind, a book in her hand.

"Would you like a bedtime story?" Jessie asked, holding the book out for Hazel to see.

"I never had one," Hazel said. "I'm only nine."

"You're not too old for a bedtime story. Sometimes I red to Sydney because she couldn't fall asleep."

That made Hazel laugh, a sound that could brighten my day. Jessie winked at me, before sitting next to Hazel.

"Good-night, Hazel," I said.

"Good-night, Ms. Sydney," Hazel responded, smiling.

Jessie opened the book and just began reading as I walked away from the room. Finally, I know what's going on with Hazel. And she's staying here. With us! The adventures the three of us will have together will be better than I'll ever imagine, I just know it.

But as I sat on our bed, Stephen popped into my mind. Hazel and I are alike, innocent, and have been abused. And I don't want Stephen finding us and seeing Hazel. The thought of him doing something with her made my heart hurt.

How come he isn't in jail is beyond me. But I'm planning to visit my mom tomorrow, since I don't have work, and that I'll ask her about Stephen then.

"I'm visiting my mom tomorrow," I said as soon as Jessie entered the room.

She paused, looking at me. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah. I just want the whole Stephen situation done and over with. I can't risk him finding us and finding out about Hazel. It'll kill me if he somehow has her."

Jessie made her way to the bed, and sat next to me on it. "I understand. But are you sure you don't want me coming?"

"It'll be okay, Jessie. I'll even call her to tell her I'm coming, if anything happens to me."

"What about that strong guy? Will he be there? I want you protected."

And here's the protective Jessie that never seems to disappear. "Baby, I'll call him if you're that worried about me."

"I just want you safe."

"And I will be. I'll call you if something happens--"

"No, call the police. I won't be able to do anything up here. They'll be of more use to you. Be safe, Syd. Or I will kill Stephen."

Lauging at her empty threat, I kissed her cheek. "Okay, Scary Jessie. I'll eat my own leg if it comes down to that."

Jessie rolled her eyes. "Really, Syd. I'm crazy about you. I really am."

That deserved a longing kiss. She was so sweet, and said things that made my body tingle all over. It's still a wonder how I managed to catch this special woman.

My Janitor [Jessie J] *COMPLETED* (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now