Her Own | 7. Morning

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"Of course you can't sleep here!" I shouted, closing the front door of my house so it would just be us two outside.

"Why not?" He asked.

"Because you should be at your own house! And I don't even know you well enough. You could be anything." I crossed my arms and glared at him.

If Jessie knew he was here, she would've had a cow. And I'm not too find of him either.

"Sydney, please? I promise I won't do anything."

"What happened to your house? Remember, you said you could 'take care of me'."

Mike rubbed the back of his neck. "See, the lights got cut off."

"Well, sleep in the darkness." I turned to go back inside, but he grabbed my arm.

"Sydney, please? What if I got killed? Mauled by a bear? Would you let yourself live with your conscience telling you that you could've prevented it?"

"Mike, go stay at your mom's. Or why don't you go sleep in your car?"

"Could my car be in your yard?" Mike asked hopefully.

I rolled my eyes at him. "Yeah, sure, whatever. But, don't let my wife see you. And as soon as you wake up, go back to your own house. Don't come in mine or anything. I want you gone before I wake up. Got it?"

"Just like butter has fat?"

Rolling my eyes at his idiocy, I went back inside and slammed my door closed. He has the absolute nerve to show up at my house and ask to sleep here after what happened today. I swear, if Jessie had saw him, I may have went to jail tonight. I would have killed him on the spot.

"Who was it, baby?" Jessie asked when she saw me again. She pulled me back into her body.

As much as I wanted to lie and said it was stupid kids, I couldn't. I've already lied enough to her. And imagining her catching me in another would be worse.

"It was Mike," I reluctantly admitted.

I felt her body stiffen at his name. Oh, he just knew how to push my buttons.

"What did he want?"

"He wanted to stay over because his lights are off," I answered.

"Well, where's his parents? Why can't he stay with them?" I could hear the anger in her voice. She really didn't like Mike.

"Don't know. But, I told him to stay in the yard and to leave before I wake up."

"Good. I don't want him anywhere near you. And I didn't buy enough for him," she added, nodding at our dinner that was probably somewhat warm. I smirked and kissed her lips.

Jessie called Hazel then went and set the table for our Chinese food.


The next morning, I woke up cuddling Jessie. She wasn't awake yet, probably because I woke up too early for my liking. But I was up and I couldn't go back to sleep.

Carefully, I slid out of Jessie's embrace. She stirred, groaning, and I hurried and tucked my pillow into her arms. She fidgeted before settling down with the pillow. Why did she have to be so cute?

Hazel was downstairs watching tv while eating a bowl of cereal. She waved when I said her name, because her mouth was full. I chuckled and entered the kitchen to make a cup of coffee for Jessie and I.

While I was making it, I made myself a bowl of cereal, which I ate at the table. The thought of Mike in his car entered my mind, and I internally panicked. What if he wasn't gone yet? What if he does the exact opposite that I wanted him to do? What if Jessie saw him? She  already has a bad time at work with those idiotic co-workers of hers. Seeing Mike might push her over the edge for all I know.

It wasn't until I heard Hazel exclaim Mike that fury rose inside me. He did exactly what I told him not to do. He's trespassing and invading our privacy. At that moment. I wanted to rip my violet hair out of my scalp.

Then Jessie shrieked, and that's when I had it. I stormed out of the kitchen and saw Mike there, grinning sleepily.

"Hey, when will breakfast be done? I'm starving and an omelet with coffee sounds scrumptious right now--"

"OUT!" I screamed, pointing at the door behind him.


"OUT! NOW!" I pushed him towards the door angrily. One thing I wanted for him to do. And he can't even do that. What gives?!


"GO!" I shrieked, pushing him into our manicured lawn and slamming the door.

My chest heaved heavily as I went upstairs and into our room. Mike wasn't on a good page in my book.

Jessie was sitting on our bed, head in her hands. She looked up when I came in. "Why was he in the house?" She calmly asked me.

It scared me that she was talking so calmly to me, as if she didn't see a guy in the house. She's probably trying to bottle up her anger and the lid's having difficulty staying in place.

"I told him to stay out," I truthfully said.

"He shouldn't have been in here. Didn't you make yourself clear about that?"

"I told him I wanted him gone before I woke up!"

Jessie rubbed her face and groaned. "Syd, what are we going to do? Is he coming back tonight?"

"He better not. I swear, if his lights really are out, I'll pay his light bill myself. I won't be able to take this anymore."

Jessie motioned for me to get closer to her, and I did. She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me down so we could kiss. My body tingled from the contact, and I was smiling stupidly when we pulled away.

"I promise you, he'll never want to come back here again. Once he catches me when I'm expecting him."

"Jessie, you and I both know you aren't dangerous," I giggled.

"Yes, I am! I can get it with a mop!"

I shook my head. She was just the cutest. "Jess, you're adorable. Leave it to me."

"Oh really? How about in the bedroom? Who's on top?"

I blushed furiously at the rhetorical question. "Shut up and come get your coffee."

My Janitor [Jessie J] *COMPLETED* (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now