Her Own | 32. The Future THE END

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Six years later...

"MOMMY!" A young voice called from our home, followed by a squeal.

A mini version of Jessie came from downstairs, holding something in her hand. She laughed, looking behind her, causing her to run into me. Before she could scramble away, I picked her up, and she screamed again.

"What's in your hand?" I asked, turning her around.

It was car keys. Hazel's car keys, to be specific. She was sixteen, and now driving. Hazel isn't kidding about her car, and has a nervous break down if she lost her keys. Little Delilah knew that, and that's probably  why she keeps taking them.

"MAMA!" Hazel yelled from upstairs, followed by stomping from the stairs.

"You're gonna get it," I said, glancing at Delilah.

Her green eyes widened, and she hid her face against my neck. I smirked as Hazel stormed into the room, and she glared at Delilah's back.

"SHE HAS MY KEYS!" Hazel yelled, pointing at Delilah.

"Nuh-uh!" Delilah lied in my neck.

"Mama, I'm gonna kill her!"

"No, you are not," I said, turning Delilah around in my arms.

The young girl nervously laughed, then handed Hazel back her keys. Hazel sighed, then went back upstairs, somewhat calmer now. I shook my head at Delilah, then carried her into the kitchen.

My beautiful wife was in there, with our newborn twin girls, Cindi and Charlotte. They slept peacefully in their baby carriers as Jessie was making lunch. She decided on cutting her hair into a bob, but her hair grew fast, and it was half-way down her back now. We had another child after Delilah, a boy to my delight, whose name was Francis. He wasn't like his dark-haired sisters, instead he had brown hair and blue eyes. And as many times as Jessie's gain weight from pregnancy, she loses it instantly. She just has a fast metabolism.

"Mummy!" Delilah calls, holding her arms out to Jessie.

Jessie turned and smiled her breath-taking smile at us. She turned away from the bacon sandwiches she was preparing to kiss me and pick up Delilah.

"Hey, baby!" Jessie quietly said. "Be quiet because your sisters are sleeping."

Delilah nodded, and pressed a finger to her lips, giggling. She started telling Jessie what she did to Hazel when I saw one of the babies open her eyes. She didn't cry, only just looked around. I went up to her and started playing with her, rubbing her covered tummy with a finger, touching her cheeks softly, and grabbing her hand. She wrapped a small hand around my pinky finger.

"Honey," Jessie said.

I turned and got the bottle from her and held it to Charlotte's mouth. After Delilah was born, Jessie's been having these motherly instincts, which I think are super cute. She's so great as a mother, it just makes me fall in love with her all over again.

Charlotte was the quietest one, which make me think there's something wrong with her. She moves her small head around, clearly not wanting formula. None of Jessie's kids wanted the formula. They wanted milk from her, which I thought was highly amusing.

"She won't take it," I reported with a laugh.

Jessie sighed, grabbing the bottle from me and dumping it out. "Just like the rest of them."

"Oh, c'mon. We all know you love it. Just another reason for you to hang your boobs out," I teased, rocking the baby carrier soothingly so Charlotte could get to sleep again.

Jessie rolled her eyes, then sat Delilah down, who was munching on a strip of bacon. The small girl ran out the kitchen, and she gave a shout. "Francyyyyy!" Francy was her nickname for Francis.

I went to see Delilah running up the stairs, and our toddler on the ground, crying.

"Oh, Francis! It's okay, Mommy's got ya."

I picked him up and started to rock him side to side as I carried him away from the kitchen. We had to learn the hard way to not let a crying child near a baby.

Soon, he was calm, and I just held him against my chest for a while as I rocked side to side. Obviously, Jessie got carried away at having multiple kids at the same time. And I let her do it. She just fell in love with Delilah, and didn't want to wait to have another child. But she didn't abuse her children, so that had to count for something, right?

Jessie called, saying lunch was ready, and I went back inside with my son in my arms.


"When are we moving?" I asked that night, as we climbed into bed.

"Soon, baby. In a week or so?" Jessie estimated, slipping her silk robe off.

"Okay. Because this house is way too small for us and five children. But, Hazel is going to college soon..."

Jessie gazed sadly at me. Whenever anybody mentions how our adopted daughter is leaving the best soon, Jessie gets upset about it. She almost fainted when Hazel got her first job.

"Baby, don't cry," I said, kissing her softly.

"I'm sorry! But, she's growing up!"

I smiled and brushed some of her wild hair behind her ear. At least she's accepting the fact that Hazel's leaving soon. Last week, she was trying to convince herself that Hazel was still a child. But Hazel was growing up. She's tried dating, but it didn't work out. She's just so focused on work, her family, and gymnastics. According to her, guys just don't fit into the equation. She's our prime example of parenting gone right.

I snuggled into Jessie before she turned the light out. We laid there for a moment, me breathing in her scent. She still smelled amazing. My fingers traced her belly, down to her belly button, where she laughed and made me stop.

"I love you, Syd," Jessie said, starting to yawn.

"I love you more, Jess," I responded.

Just as we were falling asleep, a cry was heard in the room beside ours, shortly followed by another one. Jessie groaned, and I giggled as we both got out of bed and slipped our robes on. Yep, life was good.

The End...


Anyways, thank you guys so much! You are the best readers, especially if you voted since the VERY beginning, like 98 parts ago...

To the people who have commented, you make my day and I love you!

To the people who have voted, you make me believe I'm a good writer.

To the ghost readers...you can go screw yourself. I'M JUST KIDDING! Without you, I wouldn't have 13k+ views. Yayyyy!

So, go check out my other works, hopefully? You can private message me for anything (because I really need friends XD), and you can do anything. There will be no more Jessney from here on out. As of right now.

PLEASE don't ask me to make a 4th book! I would cry of sadness. 😢

So, I'll see you people later...Love you all! And if you would reread this book in the future, for good times sake, it might change. I'm gonna do some editing and fix a couple of things. :3 Nothing major. Because that requires work and effort...

M'kay, love you all!


This is a work of pure fan fiction. I own no pictures or characters...except the ones I made up.

All rights reserved. And all the other words that go along with it.

DON'T STEAL MY THINGS! If you do, I will hunt you down and decapitate you myself. :3

My Janitor [Jessie J] *COMPLETED* (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now