Her Own | 9. Afternoon Romance

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Jessie wasn't beside me when I woke up. I sat up and expected to feel the cool air against my skin. When I didn't, I looked down to see myself in last night's clothes. Bless her so much, Jessie has a heart so big. She's even managed to dress me while I was asleep.

Distinctly, I heard a low hum from outside, and I got out of bed to investigate. Not before grabbing a silk robe and slipping it on. The silk was cool to the touch, and I sighed to myself.

From the kitchen window, I could see Jessie outside, mowing the lawn. She didn't have work anymore, so I could see why she would be out here. But, she already cleans and straightens up enough. I can see I'll have to be the one to make her relax. If I don't, she'll just keep working and working until she's physically too tired to do anything for a whole year!

Nevertheless, I went in the fridge and pulled out the gallon of lemonade I made with Hazel yesterday. I poured a cup out for Jessie, then went out to the backyard to where I heard Jessie now.

This would be totally weird to say, but Jessie looked so hot while she was mowing the lawn. The sweat glistened on her pale skin from the sun. Her t-shirt stuck to her body, as if she had been sweating for a long time. And her muscles flexed and were defined as she pushed and pulled the contraption along the yard. The sight was a major turn-on for me, and I just stood there, marveling over Jessie and her body. Who would even want a man when you had Jessie?

When Jessie turned and saw me, I knew I couldn't stand there any longer. She bent down and cut the lawn mower off as I approached her.

"Afternoon, baby," Jessie said.

"Hey, baby. I got you something."

I held out the glass, which Jessie gratefully took. She downed half the glass in one drink, then smiled at me.

"Thank you, I really needed that. And it's good, too."

"Thanks. Hazel and I made it."

Jessie wrapped her arms around my waist and gave me a kiss. "I hope you aren't mad about last night."

I sighed heavily at the memory. Mike is so stupid, and I'm pretty sure the door was locked. This can't go unpunished. I won't allow it.

"He broke the lock on the front door, so I had to go and install a new one," Jessie informed me.

"Okay, that's unacceptable. I'm telling Gloria right now."

"Babe, stop stressing yourself."

"I can't! Mike is making it too hard to relax! I won't even be able to join my summer like I want to, Jessie!"

Jessie kissed my forehead, stroking my purple hair. "Honey, listen to me. I want you to go in the house and lay down. Just lay down in our bed, and I will be up there in a little bit, okay?"

"But--" I protested.

"No, just lay down. I'll be done in a little bit, I only have this much of the yard left. Don't call Gloria or even Mike. Do as I say and don't get out of the bed. Hear me?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Good. Now go."

I sulkily turned around and made my way inside the house, not before getting a slap on my behind from Jessie, who laughed before starting the lawn mower up again. Hazel was in the kitchen when I came back in, and I helped her with her cereal.

"Hazel, you are getting so tall!" I said to her as she reached on top of the fridge for the cereal.

"I am, aren't I?" Hazel grinned, and began pouring her breakfast.

I got the milk out and poured it for her, then placed it back in the refrigerator. Hazel smiled up at me, then went into the living room. Probably to watch some cartoons.

Meanwhile, I made my way back up the stairs and into our room. The sound of the lawn mower was gone, and I could hear Jessie speaking to Hazel. They shared a laugh, and I heard her footsteps coming towards me. Quickly, I flew up the stairs and ran into the room and hopped on the bed. I pretended I was there the whole time by cuddling my bear and stroking Toby, who was lying beside me.

"Hey, baby."

I sat up, but was immediately pushed back down by Jessie. "Don't get up unless I tell you to, remember?" She said.

I nodded and Jessie smiled before going into our bathroom and closing the door. What was she doing that she didn't want me to sit up? I sat up anyways and listened intently. Unfortunately, the bathroom was practically soundproof, and I could heart nothing from inside. I groaned and flopped back on the bed.

After what seemed like forever, Jessie stepped out the bathroom. "Now you can come here."

As fast as I could, I got off the bed and went to Jessie. She chuckled at my stupidity, and gave me a short, soft kiss. Then she opened the door so I could see all the way inside.

The lights were cut off, but the room was still lit by the candles lit up around the room. Rose petals led a trail to the tub, and the place smelled so sweet. The tub was filled with bubbles and water, and I gasped at the environment.

"Jessie...It's beautiful," I gasped.

"It's all for you, baby. Now, get in."

Jessie stood behind me, and I felt her eyes on me. As many times as I've stripped in front of this woman, I seemed to can't do it now. A blush tinted my cheeks as I stared down at the water. Soon, I felt Jessie's body press into mine. Her arms reached around me and I felt her fingers at the hem of my shirt. My skin was on fire as her fingers brushed my belly, and she lifted my shirt over my head. My shirt was tossed aside, and then Jessie kissed my neck softly. Her hands went down my body, making my muscles quiver at her touch. She then started unbuttoning my pants and pulled them down. This continued until I was fully undressed. Jessie kissed my cheek, then whispered for me to step in the tub.

The water was warm and soothing, and I sighed as I settled in it. Jessie smiled at me.

"I'll be right back, baby. I'm going to tell Hazel not to bother us, okay?"

I nodded, and Jessie left for a few minutes. Then she came back and sat on the toilet.

"Get in with me," I insisted.

Jessie smiled then undressed and slipped in the tub behind me. I found myself lying in this beautiful woman as she massaged my shoulders. Her fingers were really like magic. They found the knots and worked them out, and I couldn't keep myself from moaning.

"You're so tense," Jessie said in my ear as her thumbs worked into the back of my neck.

"Really?" I honestly asked. "I never noticed."

"Stop being stressed out. You really need this."

"Thanks, Jess," I moaned softly.

She kissed my neck and continued massaging me. With Jessie's fingers loosening my muscles, the soft lighting of the candles, and the relaxing scents surrounding me, the atmosphere was more than relaxing. It was romantic. Jessie was the most romantic woman I've ever known.

"If you want, I can give you a full massage in the room with massage oil. And I can go get you chocolate-dipped strawberries. Does that sound appealing?"

I could tell she had been planning this, and it seemed as if I fell in love with her even more. She knew the right things to do and what to say, and this made me forget all about Mike. I was only focused on Jessie and being happy with her.

My Janitor [Jessie J] *COMPLETED* (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now