14. Jessie J

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                    Dressed in Jessie's grey sweater and black shorts, I got out of her car. The sweater was huge on the both of us, but it was extremely comfortable.

"What's with the extra J?" I asked her, slipping on my book bag.

"I'm not sure," she responded with a shrug, slipping on her hat. "It was just supposed to say just 'Jessie', but I guess the machine malfunctioned and made it 'Jessie J'. Weird, right?"

"I dunno. It's kinda catchy. 'The great Jessie J!' I like that. That's your new nickname," I smirked, walking into the building with Jessie.

"If anyone asks, I'm your cousin. Got it?"

"I thought you hated lying?"

"Babe, please work with me here. I don't want people to find out about us."

"What are we?" I found myself asking quietly.

Jessie didn't say anything, which made me think I blew it. My head hung as I walked slightly behind her. She greeted some other janitors on the way, before walking into a closet, me in tow. In the tight space, I had barely room to breathe because Jessie was right in front of me. I blushed at our closeness.

"What do you want us to be?" Jessie asked quietly propping herself, using her arms and hands, on the wall behind me.

I bit my bottom lip, looking into her green eyes. I was scared to say what I actually wanted to say. What if she rejects me?

"I, er--um...uh, well..." No coherent words would cone out.

But Jessie leaned in and kissed me before I could get another attempt in answering. I kissed back, grateful she wasn't mad at me.

"Tell me," she whispered, still with an accent.

"I...I want...Iwanttobeyours," I rushed, blushing madly.

"Oh, come on, baby. I couldn't understand you. Speak more clearly." A small grin played on her lips. She was doing this out of pure enjoyment.

"I want to...be yours," I said shakily.

"That's more better," she murmured before kissing me again.

We continued kissing for a while, momentarily forgetting we were in a janitor's closet. My fingers knocked her hat off and went in her hair. Jessie's hands settled on my hips, bringing me closer to her. I can't stop loving the way her lips felt on mine. As if they were made for each other. A knock on the door brought us out of our fantasy.

"Hold on!" Jessie called, bending down to get her hat.

I straightened her shorts as she put her hair in a ponytail and slid her hat off. "Lunch?"

"As always, babe. Kiss?"

I gave her another kiss, seeing her smile afterwards. "Hey, Syd?"


"You look adorable in my clothes."

My cheeks heated up as she laughed and opened the door.


"Who's Jessie J?" Delilah asked during lunch.

"Nobody," I bluntly answered.

"Is that Jessie chick it? Does her last name start with a J?" Delilah continued to pester.

I sighed and rolled my eyes as I enjoyed the sandwich Jessie made for me for lunch. Just when I thought my day couldn't get worse, Suzy sat down on the other side of me.

"What's up with you and that janitor?" Suzy asked, twirling a lock of her hair.

"None of your business." I rolled my eyes. How could she just speak to me normally after all this time she's hated me?

My Janitor [Jessie J] *COMPLETED* (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now