My Lover | 24. The Funeral

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A/N: I am sooooo sorry for not updating in the last two days!!! I had to perform at a game, and then I had a competition the day after. So, I'm gonna try to update twice some day,  okay?

Pretty soon, a month has passed since we've settled into the house. Jessie and I were loving out new jobs. She's also told me Hazel goes to the school she works at, and agrees that there's something wrong, but she's still a pretty little girl.

I curled my last lock of hair before turning the curling tool off. Jessie came up beside me, wearing black to match me, and she slightly smiled. Her hand found mine, and we entwined our fingers together.

"It'll be okay, I promise," she quietly said, kissing me on my cheek.

Today was the funeral for my father. The thought of seeing him one last time made my insides clench. I didn't hate him for trying to kill Jessie, and almost killing me. After all, at the end of the day, he was still my dad. The one who raised me to be who I am today.

My eyes lingered on my reflection in the mirror. God, I looked so tired, as if I haven't slept in forever. But, that was basically true.

The nightmares have gotten no better, maybe even worse. I'd wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat. And then I couldn't go back to sleep, fearing I would have the same dream again. Jessie would sometimes wake up and persuade me to go back  sleep. It didn't work.

"Ready?" Jessie asked, picking up the flowers she bought for him.

I nodded my head, and we went out to the car. On the way there, we were quiet. Jessie kept sneaking glances at me, as if I couldn't see her. She's always so worried about me, which I thought was sweet but also a little annoying. I'm doing fine, it's not as if I'm going to go crazy any moment, even though I feel I would.

When we arrived, my heart dropped. Lots of people were there. I could make out some of his friends and my mom amongst the people. Feeling a hand on my thigh made me jump. Jessie was gazing at me.

"You okay?"

"I'm fine," I insisted. "Just...fine."

We made our way out the car and towards the mass of people. Mom spotted us, and met us halfway. She engulfed me into a hug.

"Oh, Syd. You're so strong for coming here," Mom said to me, looking into my eyes after pulling away.

"It's Dad," I said. "I still love him, no matter what. Even if he did..."

I trailed off, not wanting to finish what I was going to say. Mom understood, and lead Jessie and I to everybody else.

He looked so peaceful in his casket. I almost wanted to cry. No, I wanted to cry. He was too young to die. He should've still been alive, taking care of my children, playing with them. Not dead, in a casket, because of a fire he had caused.

I finally cried when the priest started the funeral. Jessie held me close, kissing my forehead, whispering to me that it would be alright. But it wasn't alright. And it will never be. My father of only forty-seven had died because of me, because of us. He was so set on getting rid of Jessie, he was foolish enough to come in the house also to do it. And according to further investigation, he had a knife with him, which meant he had most likely snuck in the house to kill Jessie personally.

Yet, here we were. Jessie still came to his funeral, even though I could feel her fidget beside me. He should have known her better, known how sweet she was. And she should have maybe tried to reason with him...?

My eyes roamed our surroundings, trying not to gain a headache by too much crying. That's when I spotted him. By the tree, in a tuxedo, glaring at me. A whimper accidentally escaped my mouth when I saw him. That caused Jessie to look at me, then follow my gaze. Her grip on me tightened, and I saw her glare right back at him, reminding me of Lucy, oddly. They're both so protective and loving over me.

Once it was over, I hurried over to my mom, who was oblivious to Stephen.

"Mom! He's here!" I exclaimed in a hushed tone.

Mom furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "Who's here, Syd?"

"Stephen! He's by that tree! How did he know when the memorial service was?!"

Mom looked in the direction I was pointng at. "Honey, I don't see anybody."

She was right. He wasn't there anymore. I massaged my temples, a habit I've grown to do.

"He was just there! Don't you believe me?!" I started to panic. Please, don't let her think I'm crazy! Please!

"Of course I do. But, I imagined he know, died. From the explosion of the house."

"He didn't!  I saw him! And Jessie did, too! Right, Jess?"

Jessie nodded. "I sww him, too."

"Unless we're seeing ghosts, he's obviously alive," I concluded.

Mom glanced back at the tree Jessie and I saw Stephen at. "Well, I can go and look back at everything. He was missing since that night, so I assumed he died. His house was sold and everything."

I agreed. I didn't want Stephen to somehow find Jessie and I, another thing I've been worrying about. Just the thought sent shivers down my spine. We should have went after him. Now he's who knows were, probably plotting some way to find Jessie and I again.

That night, I was lying with Jessie in bed, her spooning me. I couldn't sleep because of today, seeing Stephen after two months of not a sight him. Jessie wasn't asleep either, her breathing wasn't even.

"Jessie?" I quietly said.


"Can I tell you something?" I asked, drawing figures on the back of her hand.


"...I'm really scared, Jessie. Because of Stephen. I'm afraid of him finding us here."

"Syd, you don't need to worry so much, okay? I promise you we'll be fine. There's no way he can find us."

The words are comforting, but not true. There are many ways nowadays to track someone down. But, I won't tell Jessie that.

"Okay," I sighed.

"Good. Now go to sleep, baby. You have a class to teach tomorrow. And I have work."

Jessie kissed the back of my neck before sighing, and I felt her breathing even out. After sometime, I fell into a fitful sleep.

My Janitor [Jessie J] *COMPLETED* (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now