10. Show Me A Move

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                   "You have a date, huh?" Jessie questioned, hands on her hips in a menacing, yet sexy, way.

"Jessie, it's not what you think," I quickly defended. "It's with Stephen, my fake--"

"Boyfriend," Jessie finished. "Okay. Well, I'll drive you there. Where to?"

"Olive Garden," I answered after a sigh of relief.

Jessie visibly tensed up. "That's where your date is?"

"Yeah, you don't have to stay, though. What's wrong?" I got up and went over to her, wanting to comfort her.

She shook her head as I put my arms around her waist. "Nothing's wrong. So, when is it?"

I shrugged. Stephen never told me a time, just the day and where. I didn't want to text him to ask him about it, though. I'd rather stay with Jessie the whole day anyways. "I don't know, Jess. But, I'd rather stay with you."

"Baby, I don't want you to stand him up. What if I'd stood you up?"

"...Then I wouldn't have liked you so much," I murmured into her neck, lightly pecking it.

"Exactly. And he wouldn't like you so much either."

"Well, it's not like he and I are actually going out! I'm...I want to...You see, I-uh..." My cheeks heated up as I studdered.

Jessie pulled away a little to smirk at my foolishness. I still couldn't actually say what I meant, though, and it was so embarrassing. Yet, it seemed like Jessie was enjoying this. She giggled before pressing a finger over my mouth. "Are you trying to ask me out on a date?" She questioned.

"Um...um..." For Pete's sake, just say something already! I just stared into her green eyes, which hypnotizes me in ways I couldn't imagine.

"Show me a move," Jessie changed the subject, stepping away.

"Wh-what?" I stpuidly asked.

"You're in gymnastics, right? Show me somethin'."

"Um, I need a balance beam for most of my things, Jess."

She went and sat down on the other couch, which was smaller. "Show me somethin' that doesn't need one. Here, I'll put on some music if you want."

Jessie went to her stereo, and turned to a music station. Today's Hits. She smiled as she did a little dance, then plopped herself on the couch. "Go ahead, baby."

She was so weird, but it's so cute. And it was a good song, so I did a front flip, using my hands, and went into a handstand. Jessie gasped and cheered as I held my legs straight up before bending my knees and separating my legs. It was my favorite move to do, and I'm really good at it, so I showcase it at a lot of places. When I stood up again, I felt the blood leave my head and my face start to cool down.

"Babe! That was amazing!" Jessie exclaimed, grinning.

Shrugging and still smiling, I sat on the opposite couch. "I love doing that, Jess. It's my favorite move."

Jessie held her arms out and poked her bottom lip out. Giggling at her cuteness, I went over to her and sat beside her. Immediately, she swung a leg over my legs, and moved so she sat in my lap and faced me. My body tensed up at this position. Jess must've noticed, because she giggled and put her arms around my neck, rubbing my upperback.

"You must be very strong," she commented, twirling a lock of my hair.

"Y-yeah. Have been for years," I joked.

The smile disappeared from her face as she fell serious. "Can you pick me up?" She asked.


"I want to see you. Pick me up, Syd."

Granting her wish, I stood up, hooking my hands under her thighs. She squealed as she gripped onto my shoulders. Her long legs wrapped around my waist and she giggled.

"You aren't heavy at all," I commented. "You're quite light, Jess."

Jessie grinned down at me. "Carry me to my room."

I did as she said, which included walking up stairs, and had Jessie repeating for me to be careful and laughing the whole way. I love her laugh. Her room was beautiful. It was quite spacious, and it even had a window as a whole wall, according to Jessie. I sat her on her bed, but she pulled me ontop of her. It was a very awkward position for me, but Jessie was fine with it since she started to kiss me.

She giggled as she kissed me, holding my chin with her index finger and thumb. When the kiss got deeper, she moved her hand to the back of my head to keep it steady. Her legs caged me in so I couldn't move, even if I wanted to. Her other hand pulled me even closer, being positioned under my arm, on my back.

Out of nowhere, Jessie's phone started to ring. I tried to pull away, but her hands and legs kept me where I was. I did this a few more times, but Jessie was persistent in keeping me there. She must be really strong, or she has me really weak for her.

"Jess...your phone...it's ringing," I managed to get out.

She pulled away, catching her breath. "Well, they'll have to wait until I've finished kissing my girl." Then she continued kissing me.

Her girl. She called me her girl. I'm her girl. I'm this beautiful woman's girl. So, what did that mean? What are 'we'?

Jessie groaned, pushing me away. I sat up as she got her phone from her pocket. "Whoever the hell it is, it better be important."

She answered her phone, frowning still. And still managed to look cute. "Hello?"

Her face softened, then her eues widened as she looked up at me. "Syd? Delilah wants you."

A/N: I'm a little sick, so sorry for not editing it. /-\ I told my mom I was allergic to the outside since I spent 95% of my summer indoors. XD

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