My Lover | 6. Pep Talk

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P.S. I'm sorry, guys!

The next few nights after the slap, I didn't visit Jessie. I knew I would've told her everything if I went back nd she asked. Sometimes, I wish she wasn't so caring, but I know that I like when she is, that it makes me feel secure and loved.

By the time my bruise faded away, Stephen had given me hand marks from gripping me too hard and hitting me. My hands were shaking and I had spilt hot soup on him by accident.

I thought about going to school online, because people kept asking me if I'm being abused. But Stephen had smashed my laptop out of anger that night. It's a good thing I hid Jessie's bag. If he got to it, I swear I might've died.

While I was on a walk, wearing long sleeves, someone approached me. And not just any somebody.

"Katy?" I questioned, the wind whipping at my hair.

"Sydney, we need to talk," Katy demanded with a straight face.

I had no room to argue, so I just nodded and followed her. She led me to her car, and I got in the passenger's side.

"What is up with you and Jess? Why aren't you kissing and being all cute when I first met you?" Katy asked.

"I'm with Stephen," I croaked.

"You don't love him. And I know it's a fact. So, what gives?"

"I don't want to hurt Jessie."

"Well, it's too late for that! She's hurt that you're with him and not her! That you said you would be with her as soon as she gets out! You lied to her, Syd! Jessie hates lying!"

My bottom lip quivered.  "Stephen will do something if I leave him for her!"

"Oh yeah? Like what?"

"He said he'd KILL her, Katy! I don't want her to die for me!"

I expected her to be shocked or angry, but she only shook her head. "You really are stupid, Sydney. Honey, Jessie will go to great lengths to be with you. But only if you want her. Do you still love her?"

Automatically, I said, "Of course I do."

"Then what are you waiting for? Go get Jessie!"

"But he'll find us. And Stephen's crazy enough to kill the both of us."


"Well, you would know if he beats on you, burns you, and threatens to kill you."

This got the reaction I expected. Katy covers her mouth with her hands. "I am so sorry, Sydney. And what about your parents?"

"I can't tell anyone. I've only told you."

Katy pulled me into a hug, which comforted me very much. "All I know is that you have to get back with Jessie. And that has to happen soon."


Tonight was the night I started my job. And I was actually pretty good. It meant seeing Jessie less, but I'm making money to save up.

During my shift, I thought about what Katy told me. I really do need Jessie. I can't let Stephen get the best of me for the rest of my life. Eventually, he will kill me. So, maybe if I saved my money, I could move far away, get a divorce, be with Jessie.  Finally be happy again.

"Hey, Lucy!" I exclaimed, picking up my puppy and carrying her into the room.

Stephen laid on the bed, only in his boxers. I gulped, knowing what's on his mind, and I put Lucy down. She sat by my feet and gazed up at me.

"Hey, baby," he slurred, and I instantly knew he was drunk. He was probably drinking while I was working.



I dropped my bag and walked over to him. If I didn't, he would just force me anyways.

Stephen grabbed my face and forced his tongue down my throat. Tears rapidly went down my face. He was too rough compared to Jessie. I always compared him to Jessie, but she's just so much better than him. He pulled me on the bed and under him. I sobbed as he tore my clothes off, my hits on his back oblivious to him.

He forced himself inside me, and I laid limp as he abused me and did whatever he wanted with me. My mind went to Jessie, how I'll be with her somehow, some day.

My Janitor [Jessie J] *COMPLETED* (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now