Her Own | 27. Katy's P.O.V

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A/N: I know you all hate me by now, and you want to throw bricks at me. Buuuuut, I've managed to amaze y'all (hopefully), and made a chapter in Katy's point of view. (Yay me!) So this totally makes up for the last chapter, right? No? Okay. -_- Then, enjoy!

I never knew Jessie was this stupid. To actually go against Sydney and I to have sex with that dirtbag. What was she thinking?

That night I had came in the house, expecting to see Jessie curled on the couch talking with Sydney or Skyping her. But I was surprised to not see her. And it wasn't until I reached the room when I heard moans. Not only from Jessie, but from another person as well. A man. It made me suspicious. I guess Jessie still likes men, too, which I knew wasn't right.

Oddly, I didn't want to leave, so I stayed glued to the spot, listening to Jessie have an "affair". It wasn't until I heard Jessie yell for him to stop that I felt disgusted with Jessie. I gathered up all my courage and anger, seeing flashes of Sydney's sad face. How if she knew what Jessie was doing.

That's what I channelled all my anger on  when I bust through the room. How hurt Sydney will be once she's been told.

Now here Jessie sat, cuddled under me, still crying. She took a shower and got dressed in an oversized shirt. We changed the covers to the bed and put the dirty ones in the corner.

"I hate myself," Jessie kept repeating to herself. "I hate myself...I hate myself..."

"Jessie, don't. It was a mistake. A mistake I told you to avoid! But nevertheless, a mistake."

"I was driven by lust," Jessie admitted. "I wanted sex so bad. I needed it. And I launched myself on Mike."

"You should've never spoken to him in the first place," I responded quietly. "He was no good. And I see why Sydney disliked him so much."

"What am I going to do, Katy?" Jessie asked, starting to sob into my arm.

I stroked her hair soothingly. Stupid pregnancy. It just had to make her hormones go all crazy. But, I sadly knew we couldn't blame it completely on hormones. Jessie was still jealous. She was jealous that she couldn't be with Sydney, in Hawaii again. Jealous of the girl Sydney mentioned. Jealous, perhaps, that someone actually wanted Sydney?

"I want to shoot myself," Jessie said. "I don't deserve Sydney."

"Jessie, don't say things like that. I know Sydney would die without you. Jess, she'll forgive you. Besides, she's sleeping with someone else."

"But it's not someone I hate! Katy, I'm so disgusted with myself. I don't know what to do with myself. I hate myself so much."

"Stop saying that. I'm sure Sydney will love you still."

Jessie sighed and shook her head. "I don't know. I just really can't stand my pregnant self."

"Just go to sleep right now. We'll figure it out in the morning. Do you want to call Sydney tonight?"

Jessie shook my hand. "I don't think I could last without telling her right after she picks up. And she may stay there even longer."

I patted her head and we slumped under the covers together. "Just go to sleep, Jess."

She fell asleep, moving around a lot. I just watched her until my eyes felt heavy as well.


The next day, Jessie was a zombie. She didn't say a word to me it anything. I felt really bad for her. She slept with a guy that her wife hates.

The whole day was spent in silence on her part. I couldn't stand her sadness and mute, but I didn't want to leave the house. Fearing that she would do something drastic.

"Jessie, I told you it was okay," I told her as we sat down in the living room.

She only shook her head sadly.

"Want to wash the sheets?" I asked.

"Burn them," Jessie said. The first words she's spoken all day. "I want them burned. I want everything he's touch to be burned."

"We can't burn the whole house," I quietly said, the two of us standing up.

That night, we stood outside the burning can we found in an alley. We brought it home, and sat everything up so we could burn the filthy, expensive sheets.

"Are you sure?" I asked, holding the sheets and blanket.

"I'm sure," Jessie said with a nod.

I threw them in the fire, and they began burning. They burned not only the filth of last night, but memories I'm sure her and Sydney have shared.

"I can always get more...But I can't get more women like Sydney..." Jessie started sniffling.

"Jessie, I'm sure it'll be fine. This is Sydney we're talking about. She'll love you no matter what."

I stroked Jessie's hair as she began to silently cry again. If only she hadn't stupidly slept with Mike. Sort of. According to her explanation last night, she didn't finish it. So, in my book, it doesn't count.

"Thanks, Katy. You're such a great friend."

I kissed the top of her forehead. "I know."

We stood there and watched the memories burn into the fire for a long time, until there was nothing but ashes in the bin.

My Janitor [Jessie J] *COMPLETED* (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now