My Lover | 23. It's a Part of Me

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A/N: The left is Amber, right is Hazel.

"...Jess, you don't even understand," I rambled on to Jessie that night when I came home. "Hazel was like an outcast to the other girls, and I hated it so much! They had no reason to treat her like that!"

Jessie, who was sitting behind me on the couch, sighed softly. "Kids are just cruel nowadays. I blame parents, spoiling their kids rotten. It's a shame, Syd."

"I mean, it can't be by the way she looks, could it? She's a beautiful child, Jessie, but her clothes weren't the newest, and her bag was torn. Maybe her family's poor or something."

I felt Jessie sigh again. I knew how she was about bullying, and I also knew how she was trying to contain her anger, bless her heart. "Syd, please teach them to accept one another. Or at least put up with them. I don't want the poor girl being chased away. It just breaks my heart to pieces."

Even not meeting the girl, Jessie already cared about her. Jessie really was a lover.

I snuggled into Jessie, smiling. Her scent made me feel much more relaxed, and I wasn't even aware of how much I was stressing about the child. Maybe Jessie's rubbed off on me, finally. "I love you," I declared. "And thank you for giving me the job. It was just waiting for me."

"Again, anything for you, Syd."

The whole weekend, Hazel kept sneaking into my mind. It may have just been the old clothes or the torn bag, but something stood out about her. There was something about her. She was special somehow.

"Will you be okay? Here all by yourself?" Jessie asked that Monday morning, holding me close to her, her curls tickling my cheek.

"Yeah, babe. Just call me on your break, okay?" I assured.

"Okay. Don't hesitate to call me if you need anything. I've made you a fruit salad in the fridge. And could you call me before you leave? I just want to make sure you're okay." Jessie looked into my eyes.

"I'll be fine, Jessie. I swear. I have Lucy and Toby and Kirby. Everything will be fine."

I gave Jessie a prolonged kiss--on her part--before she finally left. She worries too much.

When I went in the hour before the kids' buses and rides would drop them off, calling Jessie on my way. As I stretched my nervousness out, my mind was on Hazel. I wonder what school she went to.

Soon, the hour was up and the girls entered the building, chatting with each other. Immediately, I spotted Hazel out, lagging at the back of the group, head down. One of the other girls, Amber, was trying to engage in conversation with her. I only saw Hazel say something, completely stopping. Amber hesitated before following the other girls into the dressing room.

"Hey, you," I called, my eyes on Hazel.

Slowly, she lifted her head up and her gaze rested upon me. Confusion and sadness filled her brown eyes. This wasn't normal child behavior.

"C'mere." I waved her over, and was surprised when she actually came to me.

"Yes, ma'am?" Hazel said.

And she had good manners?! "Why so down, Hazel?"

"I'm not feeling good," she answered in her soft, kid voice.

"Are you hurting? Are you sick? What's wrong?" I pressed the back of my hand to her forehead, but felt no strange warmth.

"Not that kind! I don't feel good inside." Hazel removed my hand and smiled a little. She had a beautiful smile. If only Jessie could see her, I thought to myself. I bet she would love her.

"Is there anything I can do about it? Any way I can help?"

Hazel shook her head. "No, I have to stay with it. It's a part of me."

With that, Hazel headed to the dressing room. What did she mean that it was a part of her, and that she had to stay with it? What was it?

As I went over my plans for the competition two months away, I couldn't forget Hazel's words, and I tried so hard to not look at her so much. But I barely doubt she noticed. She wasn't even looking at me.

I kept my eye on Hazel most of the time. She had a talent for gymnastics. I could've sworn she was born doing a split or something. And I loved how Amber was talking with her. It made me smile when Hazel started laughing about something. Still, what was she on about?

A/N: The updates may be a little...bland, but I promise something will happen. Can't go too long without drama. X)

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