My Lover | 2. Reunion

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PEOPLE!!! I'm warning you that this story will be somewhat dark and sad. So, whoever expected a happy sequel, you're out of luck, buddy! Okay, okay, okay.


"So, had a late night walk?" Stephen asked, as I came down the stairs the next morning.

"Couldn't sleep." I muttered, sitting down at the table at the take-out tray from IHOP. He doesn't even cook, so if I don't, he gets take-out. I frowned at the half-eaten food, and I pushed it away, disgusted.

Stephen looked at me for a moment before taking out the trash. I rubbed my stomach and looked down at it. I've been pregnant for almost three months by the one and only Stephen. Obviously, I didn't want to have one this earlier, not even to mention with him. But, he forced himself on me. And my parents were just happy that it was a guy.

Lucy wagged her tail as she jumped onto me. I scratched her head, smiling sadly down at her. My mind was on Jessie. I miss her still, I want to be with her. But I also want her to be safe. This was tearing me up completely.

After having no breakfast, I went upstairs and heard my phone ringing. I answered it to Delilah's voice.

"Has Jessie called you yet?" She asked.

"No. Dee, you know my phone number has changed," I sighed.

"She's out! And I gave her your new number. She'll be calling you sometime now."

My heart revved. Jessie will be calling me any second! I told Dee I would call her later, and hung up. Excited, I stepped outside and held my phone tightly in my hands.

My phone rung with a number I could never forget. "Hello?!"


"Jessie!" I sighed, smiling.

"Hey, Sydney."

"Hey, Jessie."

"How are you?"

"Could be better," I said without thinking.

"Aw, I'm sorry. I wish I could make it better."

"Well...if I could, maybe, visit you or sonething? You know, if you're not busy."

"I'm not busy anymore."

The sudden realization that she didn't have a job anymore dawned on me. It's all my fault she's jobless. "I'm sorry, Jess."

"It's okay. For you, it was worth it."

I smiled. "Frozen yoghurt? And we can catch up at your house?"

"Sounds perfect." I could hear the smile in her voice. She's so cute.


"Surprise me."

"Okay. See you."

"See you!"

After hanging up, my heart was beating a thousand miles a minute. I felt like I was in school again, and Jessie was showing me her beautiful smile. Looking so innocent, as if she didn't know what she was doing to me.

"'Bye, babe," Stephen said, kissing my cheek.

"Y-you have work?" I asked.

"Duh, you nimrod. Now, I want dinner when I get home, and no chicken tonight. I get off at six."

Stephen has a job, but he's never told me what it was. But at that moment, I didn't care. I can go freely to Jessie's without him breathing down my neck! I waved good-bye to him and hurried inside to shower and change.


I took a deep breath as I stood in front of Jessie's door. My heart was going out of control at the thought of being near Jessie again. I quickly knocked, holding the cups in my hands.

Within seconds, the door opened and Jessie beamed at me. Without a doubt, she looked beautiful, but I couldn't help but spot some things about her. She looked older than her actual age of 27, like she was at her mid-30's. And she was so skinny. It was unhealthy. Prison really took its toll on her.

"Syd? Sydney, why are you so sad?" Jessie asked.

Because of you, I wanted to say. "No reason. Um, I got your fro-yo."

Jessie squealed and grabbed the cup I gave to her. "Thanks, babe! I lo-like this stuff."

I followed Jessie inside, feeling my heart beat out of control. Toby circled my feet in greeting. We sat down in her couch, eating. My cheeks were on fire as I sat next to her.

"How's life?" She asked, eating her treat.

"Um...nice. How was it in prison?"

"Terrible, Syd. It was horrible in there. The women were mean, and they touched me in terrible ways. I kept hiding the necklace in my bra or mouth because I was scared they wouldn't steal it. They wouldn't leave me alone! I thought I would never get out!"

Jessie tried not to cry, and wiped her eyes.

"H-how did you get out?" I asked.

"Rhonda and Katy helped, for a surprise for you. They said you were miserable. It was a lot. is Stephen and the--uh--baby?"

I hate him. "Great."

Jessie gazed at me. "I know you're lying."

"He's horrible," I whispered. "And I'm married to him."

"Oh, Syd."

She pulled me into a hug, and I squeezed her back. It lasted a while, and I inhaled the familiar scent of vanilla. She smelled and felt perfect to me. If she just wasn't so skinny. My nerves were going crazy from her touch. Jessie pulled away a little, hovering inches in front of my face.

"Thank you."

"For what?" I asked.

"For remembering my birthday."

So she was awake! My face grew incredibly red and I started to stutter softly like an idiot. Until she kissed me.

My body felt lighter as she kissed me, and happy memories crossed my mind. Her hands held my waist as the kiss grew deeper. Then, without warning, she pulled away and stood up. We stared at each other before Jessie ran away from me.

She ran away from me. She didn't love me anymore. I put down my cup and cried in my hands.

My Janitor [Jessie J] *COMPLETED* (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now