My Lover | 15. Free

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"Are you sure you're ready?" Mom asked as we stood in the living room of my soon-to-be old house. Jerry, my mom's friend, stood behind us, his muscles huge and intimidating. It's a wonder how Mom didn't fall for him instead of Dad. Jerry's at least supportive of me and Jessie. He even brought us a housewarming gift, which was a plant. So thoughtful.

"More than ready," I responded.

It was the end of the week, and all my things were packed up and taken to the new house. The wedding ring was played with in anticipation. I just couldn't wait to give it back to him.

Mom pulled the folded divorce papers from her purse along with a pen. I knew she was just as anxious as I am to get this over with. No more Stephen, no more him beating on me and abusing me, no more being afraid of him.

We heard the key in the lock, and I mentally prepared myself. Jerry went to hide as told. Stephen stepped in the house, hair tossed, clothes wrinkled as if he just got out of someone's bed. He smiled once he noticed my mom.

"Hey! How are you?" Stephen asked, holding his arms out for a hug.

Mom stepped away. "I don't think now's the time. Especially since you've had a lot of fun, eh?"

"Fun? Oh no, it was work..."

"What job was it again?"

Stephen stood silent.

"I thought so. From recent discoveries, you have not been taking care of my daughter properly. She's been having marks on her arms and face, and she always has this scared look on her face. And I don't approve. Syd, would you like to do the honors?"

She handed me the papers, and I took a step towards him slightly shaking. "Stephen, I want a divorce."

The frozen smile he wore fell completely. He was furious, I could tell. Stephen had a way with hiding his emotions well. Instinctively, I took a step back.

"A divorce? Why, honey?" He asked with his teeth clenched shut. A vein popped out of his temple, and an eye twitched. I've never seen him this mad before.

"I can't take this any longer. We just aren't meant to be."

In that moment, Stephen lunged for me, and I curled into a ball on the spot. My mother screamed, but Stephen never touched me. A loud banging sound came from in front of me and I peeked over my arm to see Jerry on top of a struggling Stephen. Mom helped me up and held me behind her.

"Just sign the dâmn papers," Jerry said between gritted teeth, holding Stephen in a choke hold.

Stephen managed to get himself free, and the two wrestled for a while. Jerry got punched in the face a few times, and I started to cry. I didn't want Jerry getting hurt like that, it pained me to hear him grunt in pain and to be hit so hard was unbearable. In the end, Jerry was on Stephen again. A Stephen with a bloody nose and lip.

"I should kill you for hurting my niece," Jerry growled. "Sign."

My mom thrusted the papers under Stephen's nose angrily with a pen. He struggled to reach for the pen and sign all the necessary places, then threw the items back to my mom. Jerry released Stephen, and waited until my mom and I were out of the house before exiting himself.

This was it. I was free. Free from Stephen and his abuse. Free from living in terror. Free to be with Jessie, my lover. The one who loves me and cares for me. The one I can depend on. The one who takes care of me, and will continue long after the baby's arrived. The one I'm marrying someday. Today's too soon, along within a week. But one day, I'll ask that big question.


"I'm so proud of you."

Jessie stood on the porch when my mom drove up to the house. I walked up to her and she gave me a tight hug, kissing the side of my head. I just nuzzled my head into her neck. We stood there for a good minute until my mom shouted for us to get in the house. We did, then I watched her drive off, because it's a habit of mine. To watch my loved ones drive away, as if it somehow made them safe.

"You were probably so strong, Syd. I knew you were. Baby, you don't know how proud I am of you."

Jessie cupped my face and repeatedly kissed me on my lips. Laughing, I didn't mind her doing this, and I know she knew I didn't mind either. But the meowing at our feet told us somebody didn't like it.

"Go away, Toby," Jessie mumbled, wrapping her arms around my neck.

Her eyes, which had closed, opened again to look in mine. A sense of playfulness shone in them. "Can you pick me up?"

I smirked and bent down a little to hoist her up. Her long legs wrapped around my waist, and she squealed, resting her chin on my shoulder.

"You isn't have to ask," I responded, carrying her to our bedroom.

A/N: A bit of cuteness to make up for the sad parts or whatever. Won't last long. Don't hate meeeeeee! XD

And I was thinking about making a Katy and Jessie fanfic. Thoughts?

My Janitor [Jessie J] *COMPLETED* (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now