12. A Crush On Me

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                         "Now what happened?" Jessie quietly asked as she walked in her bedroom, holding a towel and washcloth.

I sat on the bed, fumbling with my fingers. "Jessie, please don't get mad," I pathetically said to her.

"I won't get mad, baby. Why were you crying, beautiful?"

She called me beautiful. I started smiling before frowning again. Jessie squatted down in front of me, and took my hands into hers. Her thumbs ran across the backs of my hands, and it calmed me knowing she's touching me in some way.

"J-Jessie...I-he...Stephen and I...he kissed me!" The waterworks started up again as I continued. "I am so sorry! H-h-his parents wanted a picture of us...kissing! An-and I didn't want to, because I thought of you! B-but he did it, and it was awful, Jessie! H-he was so rough, and I felt terrible! He wasn't as good as you! I swear! And now you'll dump me because I'm such a whimp and--"

I got cut off with Jessie's soft lips against mine. Her hand holding my cheek, and I kissed back. I instantly relaxed, knowing I was kissing this beautiful woman instead of Stephen. As long as we've been "dating", I could never like Stephen like that. And even though I've only known her a week, my heart belongs to her, I know it. I can feel it.

"Stop apologizing," Jessie quietly giggled before her face turned serious. "It's okay, Syd. I know you aren't that type of girl to throw feelings away and break hearts like it's no big deal. And that Stephen guy should've been more of a gentleman with you. You can't just kiss a girl for the first time without asking! It could've been your first, and you wanted it to be special!"

I smiled down at her. She was so caring. "At least you were my first. And it was special, in a way."

"In a car in front of your parents' house does seem romantic," Jessie joked, stroking my cheek.

"Thank you, Jessie. "

Her eyebrows furrowed. "For what? I didn't do anything."

"You accepted me for who I am. I'm not all that popular in school, Delilah is. Boys drool over her, girls want to be her. And then there's me. A loser."

"Well, them boys don't know anything. Their brains are filled with bricks. I'm here for you every step of the way, and I'm glad to have you instead."

I grinned at her. "And I never knew I was into girls--no, just this one girl. Who's so special to me."

Jessie cocked her head to the side. "Who?"

I giggled and pecked her lips. She was just too cute.

"Well, you may want a shower, Syd. N-not that you stink or anything," she quickly added. "B-but I was just suggesting, because showers...are good for you..."

I shook my head with a huge smile on my face. How I got lucky enough to have her, we'll never know.


After I showered, I got out with a towel wrapped around me, and walked into Jessie's bedroom. My dirty clothes had disappeared from the ground in the bathroom while I was in there. I wonder how she could be so quiet. Clothes were neatly folded on the bed, and it didn't take a tenuous to figure out they were Jessie's. A grey sweater with Mickey Mouse on it, along with red sweatpants a pair of girl boxers were what she gave me.

"Oh and don't worry, I haven't worn those yet."

I looked up to see Jessie coming in with a big pile of folded clothes, which she dropped when she saw me in only a towel. Her face turned a vibrant shade of red and she covered her face. A huge grin spread across my face, instead of freaking out and running into the bathroom. It's cute looking at her all embarrassed.

"Sydney, I-I am sooo sorry! I sh-should have knocked and, oh, I'm such an idiot!"

"It's fine, Jessie. We're both girls, you know."

"Yeah, but...it's not lady-like to look at the girl you're crushing on while they change."

Aww, she has a crush on me! She sounded like a teenager again, even though she just crawled out of that awkward stage, being pretty young herself. I changed as I listened t her stutter nonsense, and I was entertained just by her.

"Jessie, I'm done."

She turned around and smiled at me. "You look beautiful."

"Yeah, with no make-up on, wet hair and night clothes on. Gorgeous."

Jessie shrugged. "You're a natural beauty."

"As are you, madam," I giggled with a wink.

"Oh, and sorry for the no bra thing. We aren't...you know, the same size and all. I'm a lot smaller than you and yeah."

"Oh, so you've been a sneaky pervert, have you?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Yes. Wait--no! I didn't mean--"

"I'm kidding, Jess," I laughed, walking over to her. "You're just too easy."

She rolled her eyes at me, and I walked over to kiss her cheek. "I'm gonna go play with Toby."

She sighed as she started picking up her dropped clothes.


Yawning, I looked at my surroundings. Jessie was walking into the room, and she smiled at my sleepiness.

"Lets get you to bed," she murmured, scooping me off the couch, Toby hopping off.

My arms went around her neck as she carried me upstairs to her room. She slid me under the covers, then tucked me in and kissed my forehead. Before she could leave, I called out to her.

"Can you sleep with me?" I asked.

"Don't you think it's a bit early in our relationship?" Jessie joked, before getting in bed with me, dressed in an oversized shirt.

I cuddled into her, and she held me against her. Smiling slightly, I  yawned once again before sleep taking over me.

A/N: If anything's off in the next updates, don't hesitate to tell me. Like if I got some information wrong or something. I'm not all familiar with this, because I wrote it a few months ago, probably more.

My Janitor [Jessie J] *COMPLETED* (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now