Her Own | 16. (I don't know)

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I woke up from a horrible dream about Rachel, and it was nighttime. Still, I haven't told Jessie about Rachel, and I don't plan to unless she asks. She's been a real sweetheart to me when we got back to the hospital. She constantly asked me if I wanted anything, and I always said no. All I wanted to do was stay beside my sister.

Jessie had me in her lap while she propped her head on her arm. Her light snorting soothed me, another reason why I'm so madly in love with her. She could be fast asleep and still be able to calm me. 

My focus went to my sister, and a wave of sadness and anger went through me. Rachel caused my sister to be like this. Jessie's ex did this to her.

But I can't be thinking like that. It's not as if Jessie made this all happen. It was my choice also to get involved with Jessie. And I don't doubt a second of it.

"Syd, go back to sleep," Jessie murmured softly, putting a hand on my chest and pushing me down.

"No, you go to sleep," I said, now wide awake.

Jessie rubbed her eyes and yawned. "Sydney, get back to sleep. Now."

"Jessie, no."

She was wide awake now and looked at me as I sat up. She was just so beautiful. Yeah, this was a weird time to point out her beauty. But really, seeing her in the moonlight coming from the blinds was enchanting. I leaned in and kissed her softly.

For the very first time, Jessie pulled away from me quickly. She rejected me. For the first time ever, Jessie rejected me. She saw the hurt look in my face and immediately frowned.

"Syd, I'm sorry--"

"No, just leave me alone. I understand," I lied. I didn't understand why she pulled away so suddenly. Was this the warning signs of her wanting a divorce? Did she not love me anymore?

"Syd, baby. Look, I didn't think it would be appropriate."

"Appropriate? I'm your wife! I'm supposed to kiss you whenever I want!" I argued.

Jessie sighed. "Yeah, but with your sister being hospitalized and all..."

"You're supposed to make me feel better! Ugh, I can't believe you, Jessie! That really hurt me, you know! If we weren't in the hospital, I would--"

"Sydney, if you don't stop talking to Jessie like that, I'm going to get out of these casts and punch you myself..."

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter. I had lots of homework and such.

My Janitor [Jessie J] *COMPLETED* (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now