Her Own | 3. Mike

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The rest of the honeymoon went a lot better than it did that first day there. Jessie didn't stare at pregnant women's bellies, and she acted like her normal, cute self. Although I've had a lot of fun and I know I'll miss it, I'm glad to be back home. With my ten-year-old daughter, my dog, my bunny, and Jessie and I's shared cat.

"So, how did it go?" My mom asked when we came back. "Have a lot of 'fun'?"

"Mom!" I shouted out of embarrassment. She didn't have to say that out loud. She just loves messing with me. "We have a child present!"

"Oops, sorry about that, Hazel, honey. Now, I want you to be safe. All of you. I love you all."

With that, she left, giving us all hugs and kisses. I loved my mom so much, nobody can understand.

Jessie and I unpacked our things, Jessie telling Hazel the non-explicit things we did in Hawaii. Hazel sat at the edge of the bed innocently, hanging on to every word that came out of Jessie's mouth. The two were so cute together, I swear. At times were Jessie was telling a really exciting part, I'd stop what I was doing and just watch as Jessie's eyes get wide along with Hazel's. Hazel would hug her new bunny tightly to her chest, as if she couldn't believe the things we did.

"Did you have fun?" Jessie asked me after Hazel ran out of the room to make a sandwich.

"Of course I did. I'll always have fun whenever I'm with you," I smiled at her sincerely.

"Syd, don't lie. You can tell me the truth."

"Why would I lie? I did have fun, Jessie."

Jessie raised her eyebrows, but didn't question me any further. Soon, we were finished unpacking, and my wife--it feels so could to call her that--went to watch a movie with Hazel. I stayed in the room and texted Gloria that we came back from her honeymoon. not even a minute later she responded.

Gloria: Really? Would you like to come meet your new partner? He's here right now

.Hesitating, I told her I would come there, and I went downstairs. Tangled was playing on the tv that Hazel was sitting in front of, at a safe distance. Jessie was on the couch with Toby, drinking what was probably hot tea.

"Where are you going?" Jessie asked, looking worried.

"Down to the studio. Gloria wants me to meet the new guy."

Jessie wore a smirk on her face when I said that. "Don't kill him, babe."

"Don't worry. If I do, I'll make it look like an accident," I joked before leaving.

Honestly, I wasn't looking forward to meeting this guy. He sounded like a good guy, but I didn't want him thinking he was going to run everything even though I'm back. It's my studio--technically Gloria's--and I'm taking it back. I appreciate that he's kept things in order while I was gone, but now I'm here, and I'm taking back what's rightfully mine.

"I'm here, Gloria!" I called as I walked in through the front doors.

The person I saw definitely wasn't Gloria. The guy was tall and extremely handsome, with brown hair that was long enough to be pulled into a ponytail. His crystal blue eyes pierced through my soul. Man, he was so attractive. But I have to stay focused. I'm here to intimidate him. This is my territory--actually Gloria's--and I'm letting a stranger wander in here and try to take it.

"You must be Mitch," I said, crossing my arms.

"Mike, actually," he corrected, with a dashing smile. His eyes twinkled, and I fought so hard to not get lost in them. There are only one pair of eyes I'll always love to get loss in, and they sure aren't blue ones.

"Whatever." I tried not to care about getting his name right. "So, you're my assistant."

"Assistant? I was told I'm the co-captain."

"Well, that's a nice way of saying sidekick. This is my place, and you're not taking control of it."

Mike held his hands up in defeat. "Okay, I respect that. I just love gymnastics, alright? Same as you."

I eyed him up and down. He had a very built body, not intimidating at all. He was maybe six feet or so, though. "Okay. But, I must warn you about my daughter. Treat her badly, and you're in for it. Big time."

"Chill, I love kids."

"I bet you do. Well, I'll see you on Monday, I guess. See how well you actually are."

"It was nice meeting you, Sydney. It was also a pleasure seeing your wife?"

"What did you say about my wife?!?" Suddenly, I had gotten into defense mode. Sort of like those insecure guys do in movies when their jealous about their wife's friend who's better looking than them. But I'm positive Jessie will never leave me for him. We just got married!

"I met her while she was shopping one day. She didn't know who I was at first, but she was a pleasure to meet," Mike clarified with a smile.

I narrowed her eyes before going to walk away. "Sure. Well, see you Mason."

"It's Mike, actually."


Leaving the studio, I felt my spirit dampen a little, which caught me off guard. Did Mike do that? I barely know him. But he was so nice and kind and handsome. I can't be thinking of him like that! He's my co-worker. AND I HAVE A WIFE!

Before I drove off, I rubbed my face. How can this guy have such an affect on me, even when I was determined to hate him? I DON'T EVEN LIKE HIM!

A/N: Okay, I love you guy so much, if you're actually still reading this!!! Um, this is the computer still, and yeah. I found time to write this (Go me!), and here you go. I was also thinking about posting another story, but I've written two already. They both have Jessie in it (naturally), but one's where she befriends and falls for a bad girl, and the other is like a forbidden love one that's really interesting to me. They're named Her Protégée and Imagine That. I really like the second one, but it's your choice. (And please keep in mind that the computer won't let me see all my notifications, so yeah.)

My Janitor [Jessie J] *COMPLETED* (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now