My Lover | 21. Dream Job

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After a few days of not being able to go anywhere without Jessie's supervision, my body wasn't sore anymore. Which meant I could start my job, whatever that was.

Jessie had blindfolded me, saying it wouldn't be a surprise if I could be able to see it. So, I went along to amuse her.

"Are we there yet?" I whined childishly at Jessie.

"Almost there, baby. Just a minute or two..." Jessie assured,.patting my thigh.

Well, the good news is that it won't be far from home. So, it's not that long of a drive. I was still anxious to see what it was. Were the owners nice? Is the job hard?

I could've slapped myself in the face for that. Jessie would have never purposely given me a hard job. She's such a sweet woman, and she wants the best for me. I wish I could do special things for her.

"Okay, Syd. We're here!"

Quickly, I ripped the blindfold off and searched frantically for the building. Then I saw it. And I started to tear up.

" way..."

"Yes way. Surprise!"

It was gymnastics. I was working with young gymnasts. I could see the kids inside, practicing on balance beams, and doing flips in the air. Gymnastics had been my life, and to be given this position was just...I was speechless.

"They had the position open, so I quickly applied for you, telling them everything they needed to know. And I showed them a video or two," Jessie shyly said.

"I love you," I blurted, grabbing her face and kissing her with all my might. "IloveyouIloveyouIloveyou! I love you, Jessica! I love you so much! love you, Jessie."

Jessie smiled and kissed my forehead. "Anything for you, baby. And the school I'm working at isn't all that far either. We'll never have to be far away!"

"'re the most intelligent, loving, caring, beautiful woman in the world, and I love you for that."

Jessie blushed. "You're so adorable, Syd. Would you like to meet the owners?"

I nodded my head like a little child wanting to play in the ball pit. We got out of the car and walked inside.

Music was playing somewhere in the huge room, and the kids that were waiting around focused their attention to Jessie and I. We smiled naturally (Jessie's more natural than mine), and I followed my woman to a door, which I recognized as an office. She knocked on the door, and we heard a woman tell us to come in.

A redhead sat at the desk, about forty or so years old. She looked up and smiled at us.

"Hello, Jessie. It's a pleasure to see you again!" The woman's eyes rested on me. "And you must be Sydney! Sit down, sit down!"

The two of us sat, and the woman shook my hand happily. "I'm Gloria, and I've been looking for a suitable coach for out little Winter Sprites!"

"Bless you," I said.

"No, that's the name of our girls! The Winter Sprites. Yeah, they haven't won in ten years, and our old coach quit a month ago. But, your wife here has given me a lovely recommendation, and I'm more than sure you're above our standards!"

Wife?! I thought, glancing at Jessie. She smiled at me, then grabbed my left hand. I can't believe Jessie lied to Gloria! But it wasn't a complete lie...we are together.

"You've been a gymnast since when?" Gloria asked, gripping onto a pen.

"Three," I answered with a smile.

Gloria wrote something down. "Have any experience with kids?"

"At my old team, we had younger kids we had to help out with. Does that count?"

"Yes, ma'am, it does! Lets me know you know what you're doing! And how soon are you able to start?"

"Whenever you want!"

Honestly, I was just happy being in a place where I feel happy, where I feel myself.

"Does tomorrow work?" Gloria gripped her pen tightly.

"Perfectly!" I exclaimed.

"I love you already! So, you'll need to be here an hour or half an hour before the children start arriving from school, which is around three-thirty, on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. And we have Saturdays too, starting at eight. Competitions will always be on a Saturday, and I'll print out the dates. I'm so happy you're here, and I hope you can lead us to another victory!"

Gloria squealed like a little girl, then ushered us out the room. She whistled at the girls, and told them to gather around.

"Girls, this is Ms. Tenner. She is your coach starting tomorrow, tell her 'hi'!"

"Hi, Ms. Tenner," the kids said at different times. Some smiled while others just stared at me.

"I expect you to be on your best behavior with her! I have a feeling she'll help you girls win a trophy! Now, go on! Be on time tomorrow, eight sharp!"

The girls scattered, some still staring. I was thrilled to be coaching my very own team now!

As we left my new job, Jessie couldn't stop glancing at me. She had a cute smile on her face whenever she did it. When we pulled into our driveway, I leaned over and kissed Jessie deeply. She gasped slightly, but kissed back nevertheless, cupping my face.

Then I pulled away for air, saying, "I love you." And I slid out the car, feeling giddy.

My Janitor [Jessie J] *COMPLETED* (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now