Her Own | 15. Delilah

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The drive to the hospital seemed to have taken forever. I couldn't had been there any sooner. Jessie had stayed quiet during the ride, along with Hazel. I greatly appreciated it, because I needed silence at the moment.

The lady at the front desk was giving me a hard time as she stared at Jessie, Hazel, and I. She obviously remembered us from that news report years ago, and was astonished to see a child present with us. Annoyed, I just went through the doors to with the patients. Remembering my promise to Mom, I called her.

"Mom, what room are you in?" I asked.

"Er, 210. Are you here?"

"Yeah, I'm coming."

Then I hung up and asked a nurse for directions. She nicely pointed the way she had came, and I thanked her before running that way.

Finally, I saw the room, and my mom was in it along with a doctor.

"We'll wait out here," Jessie said, sitting in a chair and pulling a sleepy Hazel into her lap.

I nodded and slipped into the room. Mom came and hugged me tightly. The doctor gave me a sad smile.

"I'm assuming you're her sister," he said.

"Yeah, I am."

Then I walked to her bedside. A leg was raised in the air, obviously broken. An arm was in a cast, and her head was bandaged up. She looked so tired yet restless at the same time as she was unconscious.

"We had to induce a coma on her, but she should wake up sometime tomorrow," the doctor said.

"What happened?"

"A car accident that could've killed her."

The tears spilled over, and I wiped my eyes. "Will she be okay?"

The doctor nodded. "Definitely. But she would be in so much pain, we may have to induce another coma so her body can fully heal. She has a broken leg an arm, a major concussion, and broken ribs. From the looks of the cars, she's lucky to be alive."

"Is the other person here?" I asked. Whoever did this to my sister was going to get it.

"Erm, yes she is. In Critical Care."

My anger deflated a little. "Do you know who caused the accident?"

"According to police reports, the other person did."

"Do you know her name?" I asked frantically.

"Actually, I do. But I can't give out personal information."

Was he really here telling me this? "Look, if I turn on the tv, the news will be on. And they'll give me her name. So, you might was well cough it up."

He sighed and looked at his clipboard. "Rachel Wilson."

At the sound of that name, I froze. I remembered that name...And that's not a good thing.


I looked out of the room at Jessie, and she was cuddled up with Hazel. What would she do if she knew? Anger coursed through me, but I couldn't act out on it. Rachel was in critical care, and there's no way I could reach her.

"What's wrong, baby?" Mom said, coming and hugging me again. "Do you know her?"

"Yeah, I do. She's Jessie's ex," I grumbled irritably.

"Oh, no. That's horrible."

It was more than horrible. Why was she here anyway? She's supposed to have been gone all the way to Canada (A/N: JessCornishIsMyQueen, I found it in a chapter :3). Why was she still here?!

The only answer I could think of is to terrorize me. I "took" Jessie away from her, even though Jessie wasn't hers. And the only way she could get back at me isn't to actually hurt me. It was to hurt my loved ones. But I guess that didn't work out so great for her.

Now she's came back for revenge.


"Mom, thank you so much for letting us stay here," I thanked as Jessie carried Hazel through the front door.

"It's no problem, baby. Now I can spend more time with my daughter, daughter-in-law, and grandchild." Mom smiled at me and kissed my cheek.

I followed Jessie upstairs. She went to a guest bedroom, but I went to my old one. It still had all of my things in here. My old uniforms I got to keep we're hanging up in the closet. The trophies and medals were in shelves and hanging on walls. Posters of my favorite athletes didn't look any different.

Slowly, I climbed on my bed, as if scared it would break. Someone cleared their throat, and I saw Jessie walk in and look around.

"You know, I never got a chance to actually look around your room," Jessie said, looking at my awards I've won.

"Well, take a good, long look now. We're staying here until Delilah gets better."

Jessie smiled and sat on my bed with me. "She's so lucky to have a sister like you, Syd."

"I know. I just wish she wasn't in this situation."

My wife kissed my forehead and tucked some purple hair behind my ear. I sadly smiled at her.

"I want to be the first one she sees tomorrow," I announced.

"What? By being there early in the morning?"

"No, I'm sleeping there tonight."

"Syd, please. I don't think I could handle sleeping alone, by myself tonight. You've always been beside me! I...I can't break that habit now!"

"Jess, it'll be okay. Pretend I'm right beside you."

"No, I'm coming with you."

"Baby, you don't have to," I tried. No use, because Jessie's too stubborn.

"Nope, I'm coming with you no matter what. Let's take a shower so we can go," Jessie said, getting out of bed and holding my arm.

I love this woman so much.

My Janitor [Jessie J] *COMPLETED* (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now