4. Cool brother

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Chapter 4 Cool Brother

Although Yu Wen claimed to have rubbish acting skills, the two-hour crying scene was still quite effective. Coupled with the appearance bonus, the effect was very good. Director Gao's eyebrows that had been furrowed all day relaxed. .

In front of the monitor, Yu Wen watched from the first second to the last second. After watching it, he felt that he should not be held back, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Gao Dao didn't change his tongue-tied nature, dragged back the progress bar and sneered, "What the hell is going on here? The lines are so sticky that you can't even open your mouth! You still dream of being a big star in your next life!"

Yu Wen came to him last time. It just seemed familiar, and later I overheard the crew discussing it. Moreover, in order to give Yu Wen a chance, the assistant director kept talking in his ear every day, and it was difficult to remember.

Not only did he remember this outstanding appearance, but he also heard about his great ideals from the makeup team.

Yu Wen's heart dropped to pieces, his expression relaxed, and he didn't take his ridicule to heart at all.

"Not necessarily, don't say too much -"

Director Gao: "?"

Yu Wen: "What if I don't succeed in my next life."

Director Gao: "..."

Several photography teachers nearby struggled to hold back their laughter.

Yu Wen casually said that he actually felt that he still had some talent. The emotion that he had failed to practice in the bathroom just now was naturally revealed as soon as he was in front of the camera. After the senior director called for a cutoff, he even had some unfinished thoughts.

Maybe he was born to eat this bowl of rice, Yu Wen thought shamelessly.

When the ringtone rang, Director Gao took out his cell phone and took a look. His expression changed suddenly, and he was speechless. He seemed to be hesitating whether to answer or not. Yu Wen glanced inadvertently and saw the name in the note:

Xie Jiamao.

Yu Wen: "..."

In an instant, the recent rumors about the crew, the "old friends" in the boss's mouth, the new company that needed to win over... were connected in Yu Wen's brainstorming, and strung together into the same logical thing.

Two minutes later, Yu Wen looked away with a natural expression, pretending not to hear the suppressed and irritable voice of Director Gao in his ear.

What does it have to do with his employees if the boss commits crimes?

"Eat...I don't want to eat. Stop talking nonsense. You cook yourself. Why don't you bring it out if Xiao Xie doesn't do it... Serving the dishes is also called cooking. If I nominate Magnolia, does it mean dominating the film and television industry?"

"How dare you mention the PPT! You brag yourself like that and let Xiao Xie write such unconscionable things... Your lousy company will be broken up sooner or later if Xiao Xie is not there!"

"Xie Jiamao, it's time to play, it's time to play, signing a contract with a company is no small matter, It's impossible for me to sell myself to you with just a word from you. Everyone knows that you like to mix things up. What if this time is also a three-minute hit... Anyway, if you want me to sign a contract, you have to make some achievements first... "

After hanging up the phone, Director Gao found that Yu Wen hadn't left yet and was listening to him curse with his chin propped up.

"Does that sound good?"

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