11. Ending

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Chapter 11 Ending

The filming schedule of the crew is inconsistent with the plot schedule. For convenience, all scenes of a scene are usually shot within the expected time.

The Yunxiao Sword Sect is the center of the story. For a small-budget online drama like "The Immortal Gate", this scene has occupied most of the crew's time.

What we are going to shoot today is the finale, which is also the last few scenes of Yunxiao Mountain.

""There are no demonic sacred objects at all. "

The fourth senior brother of the sect held a piece of dogtail grass in his mouth, lying on his back and looking at the starry sky, with a careless smile on his lips, "Tomorrow when the news spreads, I'm afraid those forces that have worked so hard to sneak in will be stunned to death, after all, they were wasted on us. So much unnecessary time wasted.

"Once the news spreads, the demons will inevitably launch an offensive, and the world will usher in hundreds of years of war. " "A fire was burning in the courtyard, and everyone sat in a circle. The cold and steady second senior brother added some firewood as he spoke.

"We would have been dead by then. "Third Senior Sister covered her lips and yawned, leaning lazily on the eaves pillars. It was a beautiful scene of a beauty who was sleepy in spring. "After worrying about it for so many years, don't worry about what happens after death. "

There is no sacred object of the demon clan at all.

The news is false news, and it has been false news from the beginning. It's just that the demon clan believed it and has been restrained by the existence of the sacred object for thousands of years, so that the world can breathe.

Yunxiao Sword The sect is not a hidden sect that has suppressed sacred objects for generations. It is just that decades ago the demons found evidence that the sacred objects did not exist. In order to cover up the fact, a small sect stepped forward and became a target.

They are a group of ordinary cultivators. They have no strong sect inheritance, no domineering secret arts, and even their talents are mediocre.


The mountain guarding formation can last until the end of the fifth watch at most, when the temporary army surrounded by the mountain will rush into the mountain gate. Once we search the mountain, we will definitely not be able to hide the news that the sacred object is no longer here. Such a lie has deceived the demons for thousands of years. It is extremely lucky. What happens next is the fate of the common people in the world. "

The third senior sister rambled on and took stock of the current situation. Finally, she held her chin up and laughed twice. Her laughter was as clear as a silver bell.

"But no matter how much I say it, I am still unwilling to give in. In order to be a good target, my aunt practiced hard... "

The outside world spreads the Yunxiao Sword Sect as a miraculous thing, claiming that all its disciples are master-level geniuses. Who knows that a few decades ago this sword sect had no name at all. There were only a few teenagers living in the mountains who knew some rudimentary magic and ate it every day. After sleeping and eating, they were proficient in catching fish and birds.

At some point, their first thought when they opened their eyes changed from what to eat for breakfast to how many enemies

Chu Laoliu would be grabbing from the fire . Taro, who is the youngest, behaves recklessly, and has a bit of naive optimism, pouted after hearing this, "What if other immortal sects arrive in time and save us? "

Jiang Qiuyue sat aside, holding a rolled-up story book in her hand, and did not participate in the discussion from beginning to end.

The third senior sister asked Chu Laoliu to also pull a taro for her.

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