101. Extra Romance (4)

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Chapter 101 Extra Love Story: (4)

The final result was two wins and two losses. Among the four pairs of guests, only Yu Wen and Chu Han managed to hide. As expected, the punishment was that damn nickname.

Yu Wen emerged from the water wearing a little monster diving suit, took off his hood, his hair and eyebrows were wet, and he had the purity of a water lotus. PD's eyes lit up, and he took the camera to fight again.

The divers lined up to go ashore, but Yu Wen lagged behind. Xie Heyu stood at the edge of the pool, squatting down and talking to him.

Yu Wen didn't wear a microphone, but the two of them were close to each other. The microphone on Xie Heyu's collar could pick up some fuzzy sounds, and following the PD, he could only hear a few unclear lines of dialogue.

"Where did the penguin come from..."

"It's exchanged."

"Did you see what I wrote?"


"Thank you."

"You're welcome, this is mine..."

Yu Wen suddenly stepped back a little, Staring at Xie Heyu with a speechless expression. Seeing this, Xie Heyu couldn't hold back, turned his face and started laughing. The two of them pulled each other, whispered for a while, and exchanged a gentle kiss under the cover of the penguin doll.

No matter how big the penguin doll is, it can only block one side. It follows the PD two or three steps behind them, trying its best to weaken its sense of presence, and uses the camera to record the interaction between the two.

Still didn't let go, I followed the PD and sighed while filming.

From the recording to the present, this very measured couple has not shown any embarrassing moments in front of the camera. Most of the time they are ordinary and small interactions, with sweet spots hidden in their daily life, not showing off at all, plain and relaxed. Although the audience likes to watch the couple atmosphere, sometimes they also need a little intimacy to stimulate their emotions.

In order to capture these intimate moments, I followed PD and learned to hide and pretend to be dead these days, almost becoming a war reporter.

Taking off his diving equipment, Yu Wen hugged the penguin doll and headed to the exit to meet other guests.

He was the last to arrive, and it took him some time to take off his equipment and change clothes. When he arrived, the other guests had already gathered and were chatting. The center of the conversation was Chu Han, who looked embarrassed and didn't want to live anymore.

Bai Yuan: "Teacher Chu, where are you hiding? Mr. Feng shouted with a loudspeaker for more than ten minutes, and you didn't hear it once?"

"...I heard it." Chu Han closed his eyes and felt like dead water, " I'm in the bathroom on the second floor."

Bai Yuan praised: "Teacher Chu, you are so smart, I didn't even think of hiding in the toilet."

When I was playing house, the most invincible hiding place for the opposite sex was the toilet. Although Chu Han did not have this advantage for the opposite sex, But in such a large aquarium, most people would not think of a place like the restroom that returns to nature.

...It also proves from the side how much Chu Han doesn't want to be found by Feng Chengzhou.

Zhao Feiyang smiled and said: "When Mr. Feng shouted, I was still thinking, awesome, really awesome. If I were the one looking for someone, I would do the same thing."

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