33. Battle Royale Recording (4)

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Chapter 33 Battle Royale Recording (4)

"...show your health bars, and then we can talk about cooperation." In

the dimly lit hall, Tong Li, Fan Xiangyang, Li Daniel, and Yi Ming each occupied a corner. Confronting each other across the long dining table.

The atmosphere was a little tense. At this point, almost all the guests knew that the biggest threatening NPC in this issue was the group of brass birds. But some people are lucky and there are no NPCs in the basement when they wake up. Some people are unlucky and only discover the existence of the Brass Bird when the health bar is only one third left.

Yi Ming and Li Daniel were the two unlucky ones.

They put their hands behind their backs and looked at each other hesitantly.

Tong Li hesitated and took the lead in showing his health bar, "I have been in the basement since I woke up. There are no brass birds there, so I still have a lot of health left. If necessary, I can be the first to go up when I encounter an NPC. , After all, there is no difference between a 100% health bar and a 21% health bar. We can cooperate, and on the premise that we will not hunt each other, maybe everyone can escape."

Yi Ming frowned and thought for a while. She relaxed and reached out to Tong Li across the dining table. "A gentleman's agreement is not to kill each other."

Tong Li high-fived her.

Yi Ming: "According to our observation, the damage of brass birds can be superimposed, and the damage of two birds' gaze is completely different from that of one bird. When we take action later, we must separate two people to pay attention to the movements in all directions at all times. These birds The movement is very small, blending into the environment and sometimes difficult to detect with the naked eye. It is more difficult to deal with than humanoid NPCs."

Fan Xiangyang nodded, "I don't know who pasted the eyes of a batch of brass birds with ink. This batch of brass birds. It has become useless, but there are still many other brass birds, so we cannot let down our guard."

Speaking of this, Yi Ming couldn't help but smile, "I don't know what genius did it, but the one who was staring at us in that secret room just now. Damn brass bird, Daniel Li and I have a small chance of surviving."

As she said that, she stretched out her hand, and the health bar was only 27%.

Li Daniel smiled bitterly: "I have less."

He only has 25%.

In other words, without being attacked by NPCs and without any accidents, and to ensure 20% of his health, Li Daniel only has about four hours of activity time left.

Tong Li also laughed. She had an intuition that this bug was probably related to Yu Wen.

"To be on the safe side, let's try to deduce our respective hunting targets first, and then announce them, so that we can know who we need to be wary of. It will be good for everyone."

Others had no objections, and Tong Li recommended going to No Brass Bird In the haunted basement, the four of them were just about to leave when Jian Heng hurried out from the corner with a small bag in his arms.

"Hey, is everyone here?" There was a thin layer of sweat on his forehead, he was slightly out of breath from running, and his arms were full of things, big and small. "Just in time, can you all do me a favor? I have a task for me to take a photo. , it’s best if everyone is here, and the next half of my information can be unlocked after the filming..."

"Xiao Jian, you are too sudden." Fan Xiangyang couldn't laugh or cry, "We are in a battle royale now, and everyone is a dangerous person. , you suddenly ran over to take pictures, how do we know if you are going to kill someone..."

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