90. End

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Chapter 90

Yu Wen is not good at singing and dancing, but if he is asked to sing, he can also shout twice.

The company arranged for him to train more than a month in advance, and improvised a few dances and a few love songs as a bonus for fans.

Yu Wen tried his best to learn, and thought the effect was average, but the company didn't seem to care about the effect. When Yu Wen knew that his little birthday party was actually attended by a battle royale makeup team specially invited by Xie Jiamao, he couldn't help but sigh about how virtuous and capable he was. .

Fans also focus on Doting, and no matter what he sings, they are careless. During the interlude, Yu Wen squatted on the edge of the stage to interact with the fans. He only heard the heartbreaking shouts from the dark crowd below: " The sound of nature! This is simply the sound of nature!"

Yu Wen ended his performance with a high voice as the audience praised him for his "sound of nature."

The last step was to cut the cake. Seeing that there was still a lot of time left, Yu Wen sat on the edge of the stage and chatted with fans.

As far as the eye can see, there is a sea of ​​blue and yellow. The color he once mentioned casually has been taken to heart by many people and has become a symbol of love for him.

Yu Wen was inevitably infected, and started to stir up the emotion, asking: "Why do you all like me?"

One fan blurted out: "Because there are melons to eat."

Yu Wen: "...Withdraw, next one."

Another fan blurted out: "Because there are melons to eat." A fan said: "I like your acting skills, and I also like your personality."

Yu Wen nodded with satisfaction, not forgetting to say, "Learn from it, this is the standard answer."

Everyone laughed, and the first fan looked at him Made a face.

As we were chatting, we didn't know why we got to talking about the quarrel between our parents. Fans seemed to regard him as a book of answers, chirping and asking for advice on how to deal with some troublesome issues.

Yu Wen listened carefully at first, but later he realized that this was not an annoyance, but a way to tease him.

"Let me tell you a very explosive story. My little brother fell in love with his cousin. He didn't realize it. He often wore pajamas and dangled in front of his cousin. But the little brother is really beautiful. That cousin Maybe it's not possible, I can't stand it..."

Yu Wen: "What's your little brother's surname? Song? Song Mingzhu?"

The fan said shyly, "You can tell this, we really understand each other."

"There was a mountain in the past. "There are a few people on the mountain, and someone wants to steal their things..."

Yu Wen: "I've heard this story, "Xianmen Anecdote", right?" The

fan was shy, "Teacher Yu Wen is smart."

The fans were reluctant to let him go and chatted patiently for a while, but gradually felt that they seemed to be stalling for time. This doubt reached its peak when the fans shouted "Don't look back, look at me".

These are all real fans, and as soon as he pouts, he knows that he is not holding back anything good.

He pretended to be indifferent and didn't care, which greatly lowered the fans' wariness, and then in a cleverly timed moment, he suddenly turned back -


The big screen on the stage was projecting a video, and it stayed on it. , the cover of the video should be from Yu Wen a long time ago. He couldn't remember which scene it was, but his smile was obviously a bit jerky and his movements were a bit reserved.

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