31. Battle Royale Recording (2)

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Chapter 31 Battle Royale Recording (2)

Jian Heng took off his blindfold.

The location he was in was obviously the banquet hall on the first floor of the castle. He was sitting on the long table in the center of the hall, with the candlesticks emitting halo and reflecting the surroundings.

The windows seemed to be covered with something, and the hall was dark, like at night.

There are stairs on both sides, with brass-colored handrails winding upwards. There is a bird flapping its wings at each end, its ruby-red eyes dim and deep in the dim candlelight.

Looking up, there should be a chandelier hanging above the head, but now there is only a circle of evil dragons carved out of glass embedded in the dome. Its eyes are slightly closed, and its ferocious and ugly appearance exudes an ominous aura.

Jian Heng remembered what was said on the radio: "This is the dragon's castle..." He suddenly became excited and did not dare to look again. He lowered his head to sort out the scattered objects around him.

A lute.

Carry a shoulder bag.

A few ink pens.

A collection of poems.

There were some messy items in the satchel, but he couldn't see their use for the time being.

He flipped through the poetry book, which contained some self-written poems. The handwriting on the first few pages was old and blurred, and the last few pages were only half of the book. It was obvious that this poetry book had been used for a long time.

Most of the poems record what "he" saw and heard when he traveled to various countries, including historical scenes and celebrity legends, but the last few pages are an exception, which are more like a diary.

[I think he is probably going to die.

It should be said that he was already dead.

The departure of his companions made him miserable. The last companion gave him a chance to live, but he could not find a way out.

"Live with the blessings of everyone"

is a promise that is difficult to fulfill.

The cross sword was majestic, but he could only hold the sword and wait calmly for the moment when his soul would end.

In his last moments of dissipation, he asked me to play a Green Sleeves song for him.

He said it was a song from his hometown.


[I can't get out. 】

This is what is written on the last page.

In addition, he found the key clues provided by the program team on the hard cover of the poetry collection: you are the recorder and you are the participant.

Recorder? Participants?

Jian Heng shook his head in confusion and put these odds and ends into his bag. He finally remembered his health bar and took a look at it with his backhand - he didn't know it, but he was shocked when he saw it.

He only has one-third of his health left!

What? ! Is the air here toxic? !

Jian Heng almost fainted when his eyes darkened. When he regained consciousness, he quickly picked up his bag and lute and rushed to the bathroom at a sprint speed of 100 meters.

Wet towel, wet towel...wet towel saved my dog's life!

He was running so fast that he didn't notice that the brass bird staying on the armrest made an extremely subtle buzzing sound after he left, and slowly flapped its stiff wings.

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