"You are the world to me..."

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"How the fuck do you know that?" Marshall asked with some anxiety in his voice. Why was he anxious?

"That the girl--" I started, but he interrupted me.

"She was just a fan! Nothing more !! I promise!"

"Marshall ... What're you talking about? Let me speak ..."

He looked anxious at me, but kept quiet as he listened to what I should say.

"That girl was ... me!" He got big eyes and gaped at me.

"That ... WAS YOU ??" He exclaimed shocked and looked me straight in the eye. I smiled and nodded at him. "Wait ... The girl with black hair and black make-up ... Was you??"

"Oh ... I forgot that era... They called me the demon-girl at school because of it ..."

"Because of the make-up?"

"Yeah ... And Because I had a huge crush on you AND enjoyed your music. Back then, my whole class thought you were a psycho, enjoyed demons and stuff like that ... I really don't understand why They thought that ..."

"Wait ... Was that the reason you were bullied?"

"Most of the reason, yeah." I replied, Marshall got up from the beach table and stood up scratching his forehead with narrowed eyebrows. "Marshall? What is it?" I asked, got up and walked around the table to him. I brought my hand up to his face and turned him so he met my gaze. "What is it?" I asked again.

"You were bullied because of me?"

"I didn't say--" I started, but he interrupted me.

"Yes you did! I asked if you were bullied because of your make-up and then you said it was a part of the reason and said it also was because you had a huge crush on---" He stopped and looked sour on me again like a little kid.

"What is it now?"

"You HAD a huge crush on me ??" He brought his arms crossed over his chest pouting.

"Yes, I HAD a huge crush on you. You're not my crush anymore ..." He stopped and looked at me with a sad expression in a joke.


"Marshall! CALM DOWN!" I laughed. "A crush is someone you think you love and thinks about 24/7. A crush is someone you don't know is the right one for you or is just a teenage-dream. THAT is a crush!"

"Okay... What am I then?"

"You are whatever you say you are?" He laughed at that, since it was part of one of raps. "You're my love. My destiny and my life. You're my other half. You're the world to me ... Okay, I may have a crush on you still, but I know that you're the one for me." I smiled at him and felt a tear of happiness escape the corner of my eye.

"You're so perfect ... You're way too perfect for me ..." he smiled and I saw a tear escape the eye of his too, I grabbed him and pulled him against me in a hug. When we stood and hugged each other in what felt like hours, we let go and we both sat down at the table again.

"Marshall?" I asked when the food was placed on the table by some waiter who apparently live in the woods or something ... Don't ask me what just happened, but I swear that he just came out of the damn woods ...

"Mhm"? He replied with his mouth full of food, I rolled my eyes at him.

"Why were you so surprised and scared when I mentioned that about the wardrobe encounter?" This time he swallowed the food before answering...

"Why? Because I thought you were cute and different, I think I fell for you there. And when I realised ​​that ... I immidietly thought about Kim and Haillie, that I was married and had a daughter. But, I knew it was something with you that Kim never made me feel. And you just looked at me..." He smiled and put his hand on mine.

"Siriously?" I smiled at him.

"Yup, and I was right."

"Right about what?"

"The first thing I thought about when I saw you that day. That's her"

"That's her?"

"You were the one, not Kim ..."

He leaned across the table toward me till our lips met, it felt like an eternity since the last time. But, it was really just a few minutes ago ...

High On Love #2 (English)Where stories live. Discover now