Live Vlogging

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The next day MTV came early and gave us a small live camera that we was going to use to vlog with. Now we were  sitting on the sofa and eating breakfast and we had not turned on the camera yet. When I was finished eating, I picked up the camera, turned it on and pressed the shoot button. A red button on the top started to blink "LIVE".

"What're you eating, Marshall?" I asked and zoomed in on his face.

"The same thing you ate, for fuc-- Are you filming?" He asked and showed the camera the finger. (picture)

"NOOO, I'm taking a selfie with a video camera ..." I said sarcastically. I turned the camera toward myself and waved to it with a smile. "Should we introduce us?" I asked Marshall and turned the camera on him again. He jumped in front of the camera.

"Hi, MTV! I'm Marshall, how y'doing?" He took the camera from me and turned it towards me. I laughed and waved to the camera.

"I'm Jessica!" Marshall turned the camera on himself again.

"Oh yeah, fuckers! That hot girl over there is my goddamn wife! Suck it!" He said smiling.

"Suck ... What, Mr. Mathers?" I said with a raised eyebrows flirtatiously. 

"You know what ..." He looked at me and looked at the camera again and pretended he played it away. "Oh, we're on TV! Shit ... Whatever. I want a kiss, come here..." I walked up to him and kissed him hard on the lips. Marshall stretched out his arm with the camera and turned it towards us. 

He brought his free hand down towards my waist and pulled me against him, I laughed in the kiss. He pulled away and raised his eyebrows at the camera challenging. I had to laugh since he looked so superior and sweet.

"Hey, what if we did a Q & A?" I asked Marshall when he sat down on the sofa.

"A Q & what?"

"I think it means questions and answers? You know what I mean?" I asked and sat down beside him.

"Oh that kinda shit ..." He looked into the camera and started talking "Okay, ask questions and, what's it called? TAG me or Jessica in your tweet and ask us some fucking questions !!! Let's switch phones ..." he said and picked up his phone from his pocket and handed it to me. I gave him mine and we traded. "You have a pass code, here ..." he said and leaned forward to give me my mobile.

"Guess once, big boy ..." I said and entered the code on Marshall's phone.

"My birthday?" He asked, he referred to his password being my birthday, I nodded. "Ntaw, So zweet..." He joked and he pressed the home button. "This ... is still really weird." He put the camera on the table in front of us and showed the background on my cell phone, the one with Marshall shirtless. Yupp, THAT picture ... I raised my shoulders smiling.

"I'm not the only one in the world !! Sascha have a picture of you shirtless too !! Sascha have a picture of my husband shirtless ... I need to talk to her about that ..." He laughed before he entered the code and opened twitter. "You first." I said, and leaned back on the sofa smiling.

"Okay, here's a good one:

Hi Jessica! How was your first meeting?"

"Oh, Uhm ... It was back when i was 24 and he was 25. My parents bought backstage passes for my birthday on one of his concerts and that's where we first met!"

"True story..." Said Marshall serious into the camera.

"But, we both fell for each other at the hospital 2 and a half years ago. I was on my way home from a concert, his concert actually, and I saw him on the other side of the road and he came over to me because he was arguing with Kim. So he came over to me to ask if I took any pictures and I just passed out. When I woke up at the hospital the next day he was there and Asked me and I quote: 'Will you be my girlfriend?' I laughed and smiled at Marshall, he leaned forward and kissed me softly on the lips before he sat back on the sofa.

"My turn!" He said eagerly. I browsed through the feed and found a question that I started laughing so much that he got nervous! 

"What?" He said worried and waited for an answer.

"This is hilarious !! Great question:

Hey Slim! When you broke up with Kim and efford if it was any chance of re-marriyng you said," I would rather have a baby through my penis then ask married again ... So .. Are you guys expecting a baby soon?;) "

Marshall burst out laughing before he cleared his throat and looked at me smiling.

"I should have told you ... I'm pregnant !!" He pulled me into a hug before he dropped me and looked serious into the camera again. "I'm not actually pregnant, it was a joke. I know, I'm a good actor ... But ... Jessica? We're not right?"

"No, sadly no ..." I replied.

"You want a baby?"

"Of course! I'm a girl, of course I want a son or a daughter to play with. What about you..?"

"Actually, when we're on the topic .. I do ... Haillie is soon all grown up..." He breathed heavily before he sent me a small smile. I smiled back and looked into the camera.

"Maybe, maybe a baby!" I said and smiled at Marshall. Marshall smiled back and looked at me and took up the phone again..

"Okay, this one:

Hi, Jess! I heard about what you said about a baby and I was wondering, What would you call him or her?"

"If it was a girl, I would name her after my best friend, Sascha. And if it was a boy, I would name him after Marshall, since you mean so much to me and the legacy must stay alive." I smiled and looked Marshall in the eye.

"I love you so much ..." he said. He pulled me up to him to our lips met and kissed me deeply and lay me down on the sofa. He settled over me and leaned on one arm, while he leaned toward the camera and switched it off without breaking the kiss.

High On Love #2 (English)Where stories live. Discover now