Ntaw, you are the best...

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Me: Are you far away? Haillie is sleeping, so I'm all alone ... :( 

He hadn't yet come home yet, it was an hour ago since The Porter Show was finished so I was beginning to get impatient.

Marshall: The plane was late, so we just took off ...  Watch a movie or something, I can't speak to you when we're flying ...

Shit, of course...

Me: I miss you :(

Marshall: I miss you too, but they're getting a little pissed at me up here ... Gotta turn off the phone, love you, baby.

Great... What am I gonna do now? Maybe I'll try to watch a movie? But, then I have to walk! That's exhausting...

I picked up the remote lying beside me with a sigh and turned on the TV.

Yay... Replay of The Porter Show was on... With him ...

"How's everything doing? Is your relationship strong or will we expect some dissing on her in the future?" Asked Dave, Marshall looked at him with an expression I knew all too well. "Are you fucking sirious?" - gaze.

"Nah, she's great. We're fuc---- He began, but stopped. He probably remembered that Haillie was watching. "We're great, super, very good." He said, the audience chuckled when he got a small bursts of laughter.

"Why don't you swear ?? Let yourself loose!" Dave chuckled.

"No, no, no ... My wife and daughter is watching. I ain't swearing in front of Haillie. Love you!" He said into the camera, the audience aw-ed.


Now that was done too, gee....

DING! I picked up my phone and got a grin on my face.

Marshall: Just got off the plane, stop the boring stuff you're doing and text me! xxx

Me: Maybe I didn't do something boring ...;)

Marshall: Ooooooh ... Yes, you did cause I wasn't there! :*

Why is he suddenly so kissy and lovey right now?? Kisses, hugs and x-es and what more ??

Me: Why are you suddenly so kissy, cosey and lovey all of a sudden ?? :*

Marshall: Because ... I still have that text you sent me in the interview on my mind ...

Me: Ah ... So you have some expectations? Well, it IS cold in here ... :*

Marshall: Holy ... Is Haillie there?

Me: No?

Marshall: Holy fuck ... You got me on some real fucked up thoughts on that text ... Damn ...

Me: Ahah! How fucked up ...

Marshall: REALLY fucked up. I'm surprised I finished the interview and didn't leave before we were done...

Me: HAHA! How far away are you? :)

Marshall: Half an hour ... 

I lay down in the couch and took a blanket around me miserable.

Me: :(

Marshall: I know ... I'll pay back, promise! But, anyways, how was your day?

High On Love #2 (English)Where stories live. Discover now