Fuck you! I LOVE YOU!

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Stupid fucking... FUCKER!! Sorry! I love you!

I pulled off my covers and acidic stomped out of the bedroom while I looked around the house for Marshall. No sign of him at all, not a note, not a message, not anything at all ?!

Suddenly I heard a door open and I sighed when I saw Haillie peek unsure down the stairs and met my gaze.

"Is dad there?" She asked, I shook my head questioningly. They hadn't spoken to each other for 24 hours, they behaved insanely childish above each other right now !!

"Haillie, you know you have to talk to him sooner or later ..." I said strictly when she came down the stairs with a bag, oh shit! Marshall was supposed to drive her to Kim today!

"I know ... But, I'm going to mom today so I actually have to talk him ..." she said and looked around before she met my gaze again. "Where is he?" She asked, I raised my shoulders uncertain and took out my phone and called him up.

"I have no idea, he's nowhere to be found ..." I sighed as the beeper stopped and lots of background noise sounded ..

"HAHAHA! Fuck you Dre ... Fuck you !!" He coughed the laughter away. "Hi, baby ..." He said and I struggled to keep to the topic, I was a bit pissed since he promised me something "cozy" today since Haillie was going to Kim ... So I was in a 'Fuck you, but kiss me' mood ...

"You were Supposed to drive Haillie, remember ??" I said, he quickly got a worried gaze since I heard Dre 'oooh ... You forgot something, didn't ya?' in the background. I laughed briefly, Haillie sighed as she fell down on the sofa.

"OH SHIT !! I totally forgot! Uhm ... I'll be right there, I'll be ... Uh, yeah. Right now?" He asked.

"You can't just leave now, can't Jess do whatever you forgot to do ??" Said Dre.

"Marshall? I can drive her, just don't be so late at the studio. Remember that thing you promised me ..." I said.

"Ooooh ..." He chuckled flirtatious. "How can I forget? But, do you know where Kim's is though?" He asked, I looked at Haillie.

"Haillie can show me, she'll tell, I'll follow." I said and walked into the bedroom to put on something else but my pajamas... And away from Haillie ... "Marshall ... You left me ..." I whined and I heard he closed a door behind him.

"I know, if it helpa... I kissed you on the way out?" I touched my lips smiling, it was a little cliché I know, but I got an urge to do so. "I won't be late, I'll be at home around 12. We've worked a couple of hours already..." He laughed, I looked at the clock skeptical.

"When did you even leave ..?" It was fucking 8 am in the morning on a SATURDAY!

"Around ... 4? Yeah, 4."

"You need sleep! Agh! I'll yell at you more later, I gotta drive Haillie ... Fuck you ..."

"Sorry ... Fuck you too!" He laughed and I couldn't help to laugh myself.

"Bye!" I smiled and waited until he had stopped laughing.

"Bye, Baby. I love you."

"Marshall! Get your fucking ass over here and do your motherfuckin 'job!" I heard Dre shout in the background, Marshall laughed loudly before he answered.

"Aight !! Okay, I gotta go baby. I love you and I love Haillie, tell her okay?"

"Of course." I smiled.


"You said one SHORT call !!" I heard Dre again and I burst out laughing.

"DRE !!"

"What ??!"

"SHUT! UP! It's not funny anymore, dawg ..." Marshall sighed, I was still laughing. "I love you, see ya 12 Okay?" He said quietly, I smiled at his lovely and quiet voice.

"I love you too. Yes, bye." I said, and I heard a little smiling sigh from him.

"Bye." He hung up.

I put on some jeans, a white tight-fitting T-shirt and a hoodie over before I went to Haillie who sat waiting downstairs in the living room.

"Com on, I'll drive you." I said, waving Haillie towards me as I walked out the door and into the garage.


I stared pissed at the door when the handle was pulled down slowly and a head peered in with an innocent look on his face. I looked at him with a pissed look but a smile escaped my lips when he got a sulk snout.

"I'm sorry ..?" He said and closed the door behind him quietly. I met his gaze and gave him a sulk lip. He laughed briefly before he walked towards me without dropping my gaze. He sat down in front of me and took my hand in his.

"What did you do today?" I asked and looked into his eyes, I struggled not to smile back when his eyes smiled at me.

"I rapped ..." he said and stroked some hair away from my face. I gave up and smiled at him as I looked into his blue eyes.

"I was so mad at you today ... I was in the 'Fuck-you-asshole-but-fucking-kiss-me' mood when I talked to you on the phone ..."

"Ohohoho ..." He said and pulled me toward him to our lips met. I smiled as I grabbed the collar of his jacket and pulled me up to him while I leaned back on the sofa. "Am I still an asshole?" He asked in the kiss, I laughed briefly before I responded.

"You were born an asshole, sweetie ... I still love you though." I answered, he let go of the kiss and looked at me with a raised eyebrow before he started kissing my neck.

High On Love #2 (English)Where stories live. Discover now