Interview, again?

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"But, I don't look good !! I don't wanna go on a interview when I look like this?" I said fretful while Marshall gave me a hoodie that I could wear.

"You look great. You're just pregnant, everyone knows that ... And can see that ..." He said, I stared at him sour.

"I look like a stuffed turkey!" I exclaimed, then he just burst out laughing, but stopped when his phone plinged. He picked it up and got big eyes.

"Shit, we're late, come on!" He said and pulled me after him into the car.


"--and the weather's great here! Detroit has it's own charm, and talking about charm! Here they are!" The interviewe chuckled when we came into the studio and sat down. She smiled at both of us and shook hands before she began. "Thank you for showing up!" She laughed, I let out a short laugh and leaned back in my chair to find a comfortable position. Bastard ... I thought for myself and slapped myself mentally. "So, as I was planning on asking!" She laughed, she was in a good mood?? "Once again, Eminem. You are causing headlines and contreversy, the last time you did that was back when you met Dre! You had a freestyle in The Cypher, or rather The CXVypher! One particular part of that freestyle got peoples attention: I'll punch Lana del Ray in the face twice, like Ray Rice. Everyone is commenting and saying you are a bad influence again and that the parents should be warned and stop their kids from listening to you."

"I really don't care what people say, I don't. When I perform a song, or a freestyle in this case, it's just for fun! They should be used to it, I make fun of famous people, I've always made fun of 'em..." Said Marshall, I took his hand in my quiet and got eye contact with him. He smiled briefly at me and exhaled heavily.

"What's your opinion about this, Jessica?" She asked.

"I couldn't agreed more. Yes, he diss people, yes his lyrics can be offensive and yes he seem very violent because of all this. But I know the answer to everything of this! It's no, it's not like he's gonna run over to Lana del Ray and punch her?? Slim Shady and Eminem and all the other names he has ..." She laughed briefly. "They're, as he says himself, alter-egos. An excuse for acting like a complete jerk, everyone with a brain-capacity will then understand that an alter-ego isn't who he really is. You haven't seen the real Marshall Mathers, none of you have! This is just ... I'm sorry, it just get's me so mad ..." 

"I understand." She said and looked down at her sheets again. No you fucking don't, you fucking bitch ... I thought, Marshall met my gaze when he noticed I tightened the grip on his hand.

"You okay?" He asked quietly, I nodded in reply and sent him a small smile.

"Let's talk about something more happy, shall we! When is your due?" She asked and smiled at me. I felt my mind blazed down and exhaled before I responded.

"A month." I said smiling, Marshall squeezed my hand with a little smile himself.

"Will it be a boy or a girl?"

"We don't know yet--" I started, but Marshall completed.

"--We're waiting. It's gonna be a surprise for everyone, included us." He met my gaze, I smiled at him grateful and leaned towards him. I kissed him lightly on the lips and met his gaze when I let go. He winked at me lightly and turned his eyes to the interviewer again.

"Anyways ..." She said with a small grin and continued the interview.

Maybe this interview wasn't so bad after all?

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