New York, we meet again!

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We stepped off the plane and saw that around the airport's gates there were legions of fans. Marshall waved at them before he opened the door to the limo for me. I jumped in and he came after me. 

Marshall's ringtone suddenly ringed, it was Dre. He put it on speaker so that I could hear what was going to happen.

"What Up, Dre? You're on speaker." Said Marshall

"What up, guys. Uhm, you two are going on a live interview today..." Said Dre, as always right on point.

"Today ??" I asked shocked, it was already 2 pm!

"Yeah. In 6 hours 8 pm."

"Oh, in that case." I agreed and looked at Marshall.

"Is it about the tour?"

"Yeah, they just gonna ask some questions about it and probably try to get a hint of what the big surprise is. Don't spoil too much, Slim ..."

"Nah, Nah..."

"...Jessica? Stop him if he does, willl ya?" Dre laughed.

"Haha, Of course! No problem, I'll shut his mouth easy ..." I said and winked at Marshall

"Haha! Aigh't, where you at right now?"

"Uhm ... Just outside the hotel, y'know. Where all the fans at ..?"

"Okay, I can see you."

"Good, you ain't blind. Bye." Marshall chuckled and hung up before he met my gaze. I looked frightened at all the people who stood outside the hotel, it was set up fences that formed a path to the door, but holy shit there were many!! "Welcome to my life! You ready? I'll go first, okay?" I nodded and heard the fans scream when the door was opened and screamed even louder when he came out of the car. He waved to fans before he looked into the car at me and gave me his hand. I took his hand hesitantly and let him pull me out of the car. Now they shouted even louder, which might seem impossible at this point...

He put his hand over my shoulder and led me quickly into the entrance. Some guards closed the door behind us to mute the screams, it didn't work at all...

"Mr. and Mrs. Mathers! Welcome back!" Smiled the lady behind the counter to us, it was the same hotel where we had been a few weeks earlier and the same lady who stood behind the counter and welcomed us.

"Thank you!" I replied and looked at Marshall.

"The same as before?" He asked, pointing to the lift. She nodded quickly and gave us the input card to the room. Marshall took my hand in his and practically dragged me towards the elevator.

"Mommy! It's him!" Sounded a little voice behind us. We turned and saw a little girl with a pink sweater pointing at us as she stood and held her mother in her hand. The mother smiled apologetically to us.

"I'm sorry ..." She smiled and was just about to take her daughter away.

"No, wait. It's okay!" Marshall smiled at the mother and then met the eyes of the little girl.

"Do you want to say hi, Susie?" The mother said to Susie, she nodded smiling and ran towards us. Marshall sat down on his knees so he was as tall as her. She stopped right in front of him and smiled shy.

"Hello, Susie. My name is Marshall." He said friendly with a soft glance at her.

"No it isn't!" She laughed.

"What's my name then?"

"Your name is Eminem! I saw you on TV with her!" She pointed at me, oh my god she's so adorable!!!!

"Okay, good! My name is Eminem, nice to meet you." He stretched out his hand, she took it quickly and grinned even bigger.

"Are you famous?" She asked with a smile.

"Kinda ..." He smiled, so adorable! AGAIN! "Are you a princess?" He asked and kissed her hand, her mother filmed behind her with a grin on her face.

"Hihi, noooo!" She laughed and hid her face in her hands.

"No, I know a princess when I see one. And you, my lady, are a princess."

"Am I? MOM !!"

"Yes, darling?" She smiled and met Susie's gaze.

"I'm a princess! But, Eminem?"


"If I'm a princess, are you my prince?" She asked Marshall, ntaaaaw !! He smiled at her.

"I would love to be your prince, but you're very special! Too special and pretty for me, so your prince is still looking for you."


"Really." He replied and winked at her.

"Can I have a hug, prince Eminem?"

"Sure, Princess Susie!" He smiled and Susie hugged him with a grin on her face before she met my gaze.

"Is your name ... Jessica?" She asked and I smiled before I answered her.

"Yes, Princess Susie." I replied, and bowed to her.

"You're very lucky to have found your prince." She said with her hand covering her mouth.

"I know, but don't worry! Your prince might be closer than you think..."

"Okay." She said, and ran to her mother again. She nodded grateful to us before she took her daughter in her hands smiling.

I met Marshall's eyes and smiled at him as he took my hand in his. We quietly went into the elevator without saying anything, before the elevator doors closed again.

"You're very good with kids." I said quietly and looked at him admiringly, he was gone and his eyes were full of joy. "Marshall?" I smiled and waved in front of his face.

"Hm?" He met my gaze and we smiled at each other.

"I said you're very good with kids!" I laughed, he chuckled.

"You too ... She was a good girl, I hope she just saw me on TV and not listen to any of my songs ... I want the best for her, she was a good little .... Heh, princess ." He turned to me smiling. "And you are my queen." He said nervously, it's so cute how he knows what to say to be romantic, but always thinks it's stupid and gets all nervous about it.

"Ntaw, and you're my king and I love you." I smiled and rocked me back and forth innocent.

"AND I LOVE YOU!" He dramatized before he pulled me close to him in a kiss.

High On Love #2 (English)Where stories live. Discover now