A sudden stop

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The last week had passed quickly, even now I began to feel that we would soon be home and leave the wonderful experience at this lodge. I didn't want to go home, not yet, at least not so fast!

I turned to Marshall, who sat next to me on the couch and watched TV.

"Marshall?" I asked smiling.

"Yea--" He was interrupted by his phone ringing and got up from the couch and smiled apologetically at me. "Sorry ..." He said and raised his shoulders apologetically.

"It's okay, who is it?" I asked when he picked up his phone, he looked strangely at the name on the screen.

"It's Dre?" He pressed answer, and took the phone to his ear. "What up, Dre?" He said smiling, but his smile faded as soon as I heard the voice of Dre strung the other end shouting out something.

"Marshall? Is everything okay?" I said as quickly as I saw how quickly his mood changed.

"How long has it been going on?" He said with a stressed tone in his voice, his face was tight and focused. The voice on the other end quickly responded to the question and Marshall got big eyes. "Take her to the hospital! Now!" Marshall hung up and ran into the bedroom, I came inquiring after.

"Marshall, what's wrong?" I said, now I was worried too, not only for the person who had to be hospitalized, but for Marshall. I had never before seen him this stressed. He was a cleaning cyclone where he ran back and forth in the bedroom to pack our stuff. "Marshall ??" I said again, a little higher this time. Again no response, now I was scared, he always answered right away, but now it was as if he didn't hear me at all. "MARSHALL !!!!" I yelled at him, he jumped and turned around toward me with wide and frightened eyes.

"WHAT ?!" He yelled back, now I was really scared. I walked a couple of steps backward, he saw my movement and looked confused around before he fell down on the bed and began to cry.

I walked cautiously toward him and sat beside him on the bed and embraced him. He leaned toward me, sobbing. Never before had I seen him so sad and so full of tears. I lifted his face up against me as he looked me straight in the eye.

"Can you tell me what's wrong?" I asked quietly as I wiped away the salty tears away with my hand. He took my hand away from his face and gently took it in his. He sniffled a bit before he met my gaze again.

"It's ... It's ..." He tried, but he couldn't get out any thing that made sense.

"Shhh ... Take it easy ..." I hugged him against myself and felt his tears land on my shoulder. "Breath slowly and calmly." He concentrated on his breathing and relaxed slowly before he sat back in bed. He looked down at the floor.

"It's ..." He looked up at me again with bloodshot eyes. "It's Haillie ..."

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