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I pulled him up to me, felt his upper body against my own and felt his hot breath on my neck as he started to kiss me.

Marshall's phone began to ring, he didn't care and let it go to voicemail.

"Piiip!" Said the machine, and a familiar voice sounded.

"It's me, if you're there ... Could you pick up? It's IMPORTANT...." Kim waited a bit in expectation that he would take it, but he didn't seem stop to kiss my neck and pulling me even closer. I cleared my throat and pushed him aways and kissed him quickly before I sent him a look toward the phone. He sighed and let go around me to take it and put it on speaker.

"What?" He said, quite pissed.

"Hello to you too, Marshall?" She said, mathcing his angry tone, he tightened his jaw.

"Hi, what do you want?" He asked and again sighed loudly.

"I just wanted to say that Haillie isn't here, she's sleeping at a friends house." She said, Marshall didn't react at all, he clearly just wanted to hang up.

"Okay. I'm gonna talk to her when she gets home, aigh't ??"

"Yeah, is this a promise you'll keep though ?!" She exclaimed pissed, Marshalls fists tightened.

"Came from the right mouth!"

"You lied too !!"


I put the covers around me slowly as I watched his back tightened in rage and his hands gripped his hair. Awkwaaaaard...

"About what ?!"


"So did you!"

"I was 18, I told You, I was drunk! I told you I was sorry! You cheated on me TWICE! And both times we were fucking married!"

"Well you weren't there!"

"Is that a good reason to cheat on me !? WTF ?! You can just SHUT your fucking mouth, Kim! FUCK YOU!" He shouted and hung up before she could reply, he tousled his hair angrily and groaned annoyed before he turned and met my gaze. He breathed out to calm down. "Sorry ..." He said and sat down on the bed in front of me, he started buttoning his pants and met my gaze again. "I guess it ruined the moment ... "He said, I smiled at him comforting and stroked over his back.

"You okay"? I asked, anxious if I could go farther. He nodded and lay down in bed and met my gaze, he smiled at me briefly.

"Let's talk about something else, I really fucking hate talking about this topic ... What do you want for Christmas?" He asked, I smiled and kissed him quickly on the cheek and he looked into his eyes.

"I have everything I need right here ..." I said, he smiled back at me.

"Come on, you must have something?" He asked.

"I have everything ... Oh! I know! Chocolate!"

"Of course ..." He shook his head and kissed me quickly on the cheek before he met my gaze.

"What do you want for Christmas ??" I asked.

"I really have no idea ..." He answered, I took it as a "surprise me" and smiled at him.

What should I buy for him? What should I buy for someone who already had everything?

High On Love #2 (English)Where stories live. Discover now