My GAWD!!!

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____7 Months later____

"Holy ..." I said while I stared into the mirror at my bulging stomach, I turned to Marshall who was lying in the bed laughing. I had commented and complained about what we women have to go through for you men, and that they should call themselves the strongest gender seemed so wrong, he'd just began laughind wince I apperantly are hilarious when I complain. "SHUT up! Siriously, my belly is HUGE !! What the hell have you made ?!" I said shocked as he met my gaze smiling as he tried to clear his throat to stop laughing.

"It's not entirely my fault, you said and I QUOTE !! I think we're ready, and then you said you wanted me to drop the condoms, so cut the bullshit!" He chuckled, I held my back in a groan.

"My GAWD! My back is gonna kill me !! You've created a monster ... Jesus ... Hey! Wait! YOU'VE created a monster, cause nobody wants to see Marshall no more, They want Shady! Hahah!" I said smiling, he shook his head with a small smile as he stood up to help me back to the bed. "Well, you just had to create something HUGE that I have to get out somehow ..." Then it dawned on me and I looked down at my stomach in shock. "I'M GONNA GET THIS OUT OF ME ?! HOLY FUCK !! HOW ?!" I exclaimed while I lay down in bed and tried to find a comfortable position.

"Don't ask me, I just know that IT will come out eventually..." He said it very clearly to mark his position in our current argument and looked at me so sweetly as possible.

We had a discussion whether we would check the sex of our baby, but I wanted it to be a surprise and Marshall wanted to know it so he could start making a child's room.

"No, you'll find out the gender in 1 month! HOLY SHIT !! IT'S IN 1 MONTH !!" I exclaimed again and felt dread build up again, Marshall looked at me shocked and smiled at me briefly. "Don't you dare laughing, you don't have to get a baby through your--"

"Okay, you can stop there! OW!?" He said and smiled at me light and lay down on the bed beside me. I looked over at him and down his torso and then at me. Looked back at him again.

"How does it feel to be thin?" I asked, he burst out laughing and met my gaze.

"Seriously! How does it fell to be thin?" 

"I've forgot, and I hate this ... I don't hate having a baby, well, I don't know if I like it THAT much ... But whatever ... I just hate what I CAN'T do anymore ..." He met my gaze questioningly.

"What can't you do now ??" He asked, I looked at him whimpering.

"Sex." I answered and he burst out laughing again before he looked at me with a 'serious' look.

"Why can't you? Or rather, we?" He said smiling.

"Because, It will fucking hurt and my boobs are sore ... And by the way, talking about boobs. LOOK AT THEM !!" I exclaimed, pointing at my breasts, I looked up at him.

"If you insist, I'll gladly look at them." He said, his eyes fell on my breasts. I laughed as he licked his lips and looked at them with huge eyes. I laughed even louder and nudged him in the side before I continued.

"THEY ARE HUGE !! Seriously, what is it on my body that isn't huge right now ??"

"...Everything slse?" He said, I looked at him sour. "OKAY !! You're not that small ..." he said smiling, I nudged him again..

"I feel fat ... Can you make me something to eat, by the way? I'm hungry ..." He looked at me with a grin. "What?" I asked, he shook his head and stood up from the bed.

"You feel fat, and now you want me to make something for you to eat ..." he said, I looked at him smiling and innocent.

"Don't blame me !!"

"Shut up..." He chuckled and started to walk toward the bedroom door when I stopped him.

"WAIT! I have a question."

"Go on ..." he said and stopped.

"How does it feel walking WITHOUT backpains and like you don't have 6 kg hanging in the front ..."

"Oh, I DO have 6 kg hanging in the front, it's just covered by the pants ..." He said, I burst out laughing as he winked at me and went to find me a tray of food. It was the 3rd board today and it wasn't more than 12 in the morning ...

High On Love #2 (English)Where stories live. Discover now