Detroit; Part 1

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The rest of the week we almost never saw each other, he was either working on new raps or it was something about this or that. Whatever it was, I only saw him 5 or 10 minutes besides the concerts. It was now Friday again, a week since the last time he had kissed me on the cheek, had his lips on mine and said that he loved me. It was unusual and he was incredibly stressed!

His eyes were wide open as he walked around the room and talked on the phone with Paul. We were going to Detroit and Marshall had hardly slept last night. He said that everything was okay, but he couldn't fucking fool me when it came to his own health. Yes, I knew he had trouble calming down in the middle of a tour, but if he won't relax soon I would personally take him to the doctor! This wasn't good and it was clearly this would have consequences!

"I'll fucking rip his throat if he doesn't show up with it !! I'm sorry, man, but I'm so fucking stressed! Just get it for the concert!" He shouted into the phone when I came carrying the suitcase into the living room. He met my gaze stressed and walked quickly past to get his suitcase. "WHERE IS HE THEN !! I CAN'T FUCKING SEE ANY LIMO! ??" I heard Marshall shout from the bedroom, I jumped off his outburst and looked at him worried when he dropped the suitcase down on the floor beside mine. He quickly walked over to the window and looked out. "FINALLY! He's here, bye." He hung up and took both suitcases and met my gaze. His eyes were bloodshot and irritated.

"Marshall, are you su--"

"We need to go, Jessica. Come on." He interrupted me. He opened the door for me without anything more, I hurried out and walked with quick steps to avoid being stepped on by Marshall who walked behind me. 

I stopped in the elevator and Marshall came in right behind me and pressed the lobby button repeatedly until the elevator doors closed. He exhaled stressed and checked the clock uneasy. I felt the pressure and stress in the room and didn't dare open my mouth afraid to add something that could totally flip him off. Right now I wouldn't take if he got mad at me, I was lonely enough as it was. Jesus, I'm looking forward to coming home ...

Finally the elevator doors opened and Marshall quickly walked out carrying the suitcases, I delivered the key card at the front desk and ran to keep up with him. Fans stood gathered outside already, Marshall noticed it in good time and put the suitcases down and turned to me. He met my gaze, but nothing more. He put his arm around me while one man picked up our bags to put them in the car. Then we started to walk, I held his hand that lay over my shoulder and dropped it when I sat in the car. Marshall jumped quickly in and closed the door before he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay, we're in the car. Just get to the fucking airport in time ..." He said to himself, now I was worried. He never spoke to himself! He sat back in his seat and he looked out the window. Here goes nothing ...

"Marshall"? He turned to me quickly, his eyes were still wide open and full of fatigue. "Are you sure you're okay? I've never seen you like this before?"

"It's okay, Jessica. I just have a bad day." He replied and looked out the window again, okay, THAT was the straw ...

I turned completely against him and grabbed the collar of his jacket and forced him to look at me.

"CAN YOU FUCKING NOT !!" I said through clenched teeth and looked him straight in the eyes.

"WHAT THE ..?" He began and it almost looked like his eyes were going to pop out of his head. I let go of his collar and felt the tears push on, what the hell am I doing ?? HE IS STRESSED, IT DOESN'T GET ANY BETTER BY SCREAMING ON HIM !! Tears flowed and I sobbed of loneliness. "I'm sorry ..." I said and felt the tears pushed forward, he stared at me carefully before he leaned toward me to meet my gaze. His eyes were hard, ruddy and not soft, but he tried as best he could to hide that he was incredibly tired of everything and everyone.

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