Wait... WHAAT?!

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"... Wait, hold on ..." The midwife suddenly said and looked at me, then she turned into a big smile and met my gaze. "You have to push more, you're having twins!" She smiled at me, I met the eyes of Marshall exhausted. He sat down beside me with a wry smile and kissed my hand as he looked into my eyes. The midwife gave the baby to a nurse who began checking it. She smiled at me.

"It's a little girl!" She smiled, I felt I got hot cheeks as Marshall smiled at me.

"Com on, baby." He encouraged me, I pushed as much as I could and it came out fast, just after two big pushes. Then the room filled with another cry that made echo, I smiled at the nurse when she came up to me with her. She put her in my arms as she stopped crying.

"Hey, Princess! Welcome to the family ..." I said through tears of joy and looked into the blue, innocent eyes of the little girl. I looked up again and met the eyes of the midwife when she approached us with the other baby. She smiled as she handed me the little body jumping in her grip.

"It's a boy!" She smiled, I smiled from ear to ear when I met Marshall's gaze when I got the little boy in the other elbow.

"I know what your name is gonna be, my little boy ..." I said smiling and looked into his eyes. He smiled up at me tired and raised his hands towards me. I laughed briefly and looked at the girl, she sucked her thumb and held on to my sweater as she looked up at me.

I looked up at Marshall again, he had tears of joy and looked at the small bodies of our children in my arms. He met my gaze.

"Say hello to your son and daughter, Marshall." I smiled, he smiled back at me and stroked the cheek to our daughter and then looked at our little son. "His name's gonna be Matthew Bruce Mathers, after my brother and you." I smiled at him, Marshall laughed briefly and kissed me lightly on the forehead.

"Beautiful name ..." he said.

"And her name's gonna be ..."I said smiling and met her gaze. "Angel Sophie Mathers." I said determined and met Marshall's gaze. "After my mom and Angel for Sascha, cause she is and will always be an angel for me ..."

"So beautiful ..." He said again, I smiled at him and looked down at Matthew and Angel.

"You wanna hold them, Marshall?" I asked him, he nodded to me. He took up Angel first, I smiled at him briefly. He put her in his arms and looked down at her smiling.

"Hello little one ... Are you gonna be daddy's baby girl? You're gonna be just as pretty as mommy, ain't you... Yeaah..." He said, stroking her cheek, she smiled up at him and she took her thumb out of her mouth to reach for his face. Her small hands found his chin and she laughed, I looked at him smiling.

"Her first laugh !! Ntaw!" I said, Marshall laughed briefly and kissed her nose, she laughed even more when he began to tickle her little round stomach. Matthew smiled at his sister and laughed too. "His first laugh !!" I laughed again and looked at Matthew when his small hands found my hair and began to twirl his little fingers around it.

Marshall made a grimace to her and made noises as she began to laugh loudly when he put her back in my arms. Marshall smiled at me and took up Matthew, I immediately saw how he changed posture and smiled at his son, his first son...

"Hello Mr!" He said smiling and lifted Matthew into the air. "You gonna be just as handsome as daddy some day, huh??" I laughed briefly and kissed Angel on the cheek when she closed her eyes and let out a big yawn.

"Gaagaaaahlll !!" Said Matthew, Marshall looked at him smiling and I felt proud.

"I take that as a yes, Matthew."  Said Marshall, his smile just wouldn't stop!

Very proud! I had a daughter and a son, I had given him a daughter and a son!

I looked down at Angel, she smiled up at me.

"We love you Angel. Mommy and daddy loves you, both of you ..". I said and kissed her on the forehead smiling.

High On Love #2 (English)Where stories live. Discover now