I need a break...

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"Hi Granny, can I ask you a favor?" I asked critically in to the phone as she answered, Marshall had gone onto the room to check if Angel or Matthew had awakened while I called up the grandma.

"Sure, darling! What is it?" She asked in a laughter full tone, I laughed briefly.

"Well, I really need a little break, I haven't been able too sleep the past week and I'm really tired. So ... I was wondering if you, perhaps, could babysit this weekend? Just from Saturday to Sunday ??"

"Why, sure! You sound pretty tired as well ... Why won't drop them off today, so you both can get some sleep and some time by yourself the rest of the weekend?" She suggested, it was actually not a bad idea ??

I was about to answer when the door opened and Marshall entered. He exhaled relieved as he closed the door.

"What she saying?" He whispered and sat down beside me, I sent him a smile in response. He smiled back and put his arm around me.

"That would be great, but are you sure?" I asked and met Marshall's gaze.

"Yes! Of course, I would love to babysit them! They're so adorable and I love them so much !!" She said and I heard grandpa laughing in the background, I smiled broadly.

"Okay, I'll tell you everything you need to know when we come over in about an hour or something? Is that okay?"

"We'll be here as always!" She replied and we said goodbye before I hung up.

"Today ???" He asked a little shocked. I nodded in response and looked at him quizzically.

"Is there a problem?" I asked and looked at him questioningly, he quickly smiled and shook his head.

"No, no! It's just ... It's gonna be just the two of us the whole weekend, Haillie's at Kim's place this weekend, remember? We'll have the whole house by our self ..." he smiled and stroked my cheek, I exhaled happy.

"Oh My god! That will be so good! I wouldn't mind if Haillie was here though, I could sleep through the night anyways. Just think about it, Marshall! We're gonna sleep the whole night for two days! Aaaaagh !!" I said, and stretched me before I met his eyes, it looked like his smile faded a bit, I knew what he was thinking and it was kinda funny to tease him...

"... yeah. Yeah!" He said, and cleared his throat before he stood up and was about to walk out of the room when I stopped him.

"Where are you going?" I asked, he turned and met my gaze.

"Just gonna check Angel and Matthew, if they are awake we can drive them to Anne and John right away. Okay?" He said with a wry smile, I nodded to him and got up from the bed to join.


I held Angel in my arms and kissed her on the nose, Marshall held Matthew and opened the door for me when my gaze fell on the unused stroller who stood by the door. We had bought it a few days ago and hadn't had any chance to try it, but ...

"Can we walk?" I asked, he turned around and met my gaze.

"What?" He asked and smiled at Angel as she randomly laughed.

"I mean, can we walk to grannys? So we can use the stroller?" I asked, Marshall looked at me skeptically.

"... I don't know ... What if--" He began, but stopped when I he saw my sulk-lip, hehe ... "Never mind, Let's walk! And stop with that, you look cute..." he said and walked towards me. We put Angel and Matthew down in the stroller and they began to play with each other !! We smiled at them and took a hold of the wagon and started to walk out the driveway when I remebered that we had to cover ourselves.

"Hoodie." I said and kissed him on the cheek, he nodded and put on the hood quickly before we walked out of the gate.

He leaned forward toward Angel and Matthew making grimaces, which caused them to laugh loudly towards us. I smiled at them and tickled them both on their round small stomachs and met Marshall's gaze.

"Ah, I'm looking forward till we get home! I'm gonna go to sleep right away ..." I said dreamy and took my hand in his, he smiled wryly back to me.

"Yeah ..." He said and leaned forward to making even more grimaces against them. 

It's so fucking fun to tease him!! He sucks at hiding that he's frustrated!!

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