Mr. and Mrs. Mathers

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We went on a quick trip to the hospital after we had eaten breakfast, we didn't watch any movie though, we didn't have the time.

Marshall and I were holding hands while we hugged Haillie with a sad expression. I turned to Marshall and stroked his hand with my thumb.

"You okay?" I asked as  the door to the room was opened and Paul bursted in, Marshall looked up and his expression went from sad to pissed in a second. He jumped up from his chair and walked firmly toward Paul, Paul raised his hands toward him and took a step backward.

"Marshall .. Calm down..." I said comforting and walked up to him and put my hands around his waist and put my face against his back. He was breathing heavily and was still tense, I kissed him on the upper arm where the tattoo of Haillie was. He calmed down and took my hand in his I as hugged him and kissed him on the cheek lightly. I smiled as he turned his head toward me to meet my gaze, he smiled back before he turned toward Paul again.

"Uhm ... Well, lovebirds! Time for you to leave the nest! It's 5:35 p.m. ... Marshall continued to stare acidic at Paul before we both started to walk out of the room and out to the front desk. 

Marshall said goodbye to the two security guards outside the door of room 207 and held my hand on the way out of the hospital and there we met a shit-load of fans who had gathered outside. Marshall quickly closed the door and locked it when fans began knocking on windows and screamed as they saw a glimpse of their idol.

"What now?" I said horrified to Marshall and looked up at him. He took my hand and walked back into the lobby and approached the security guards outside the door of Haillie.

"Fans are gathering outside, help us to the car will ya?" Asked Marshall and pointed outside, one of them nodded and followed us to the lobby and out the door to the parking lot. The security guard was gigantic so no one even dared to come close, we got to the car quickly and got driven the hell out of there.

We had packed our suitcases before we left home and put them into the car, so we didn't have to drive home to retrieve them after left the hospital.

Marshall drove into the highway out of town and pushed the gas down as the car jerked forward in a tremendous speed. I held in 'the-oh-shit!' handle and turned around nervously towards Marshall.

"Could you just try not to do things soo fucking fast ..?" I said and laughed when I realized it could be misunderstood. He raised an eyebrow smiling and slowed the pace.

"What kind of 'things' do you want to go slower Mrs. Mathers?" He said in a really, really bad British accent. I joined on the joke and laughed a short laugh before I responded.

"Why, Mr. Mathers, I'm happy you asked! If you could try to drive somewhat closer to the speed limit and not 40 km faster, I would feel pleased." I smiled.

"And what 'things' are good the way they are, Jellybean?" He said and made his voice as light as possible. I almost laughed myself to death by now!

"Well, your jokes at this point and everything that has something to do with you, my little Marshmallow!" I replied in a light voice as well, just as Marshall had done.

"Nyyeeahg ..." He did his Ken Kaniff-voice.  "What do you want to go faster, hmmmm?" He completed and he winked at me with a little grin on his lips. 

I started crying in the middle of a fiery laughter before I even could respond. I cleared my throat and made my voice into a real baby-barbie-slut kinda voice and pushed my voice so it would be sweeter, I don't understand that girls manage to speak like this over a longer period!

"Mmh? I think that I want one thing to be ..." I put my hand on his thigh. "Fasterrr ..." I purred, I was about to continue when Marshall interrupted.

"Okay! Okay! If you finish that sentence, I'll either crash the car or we'll miss that plane!" I laughed and made me as sweet and innocent as possible.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Mathers ... It will happen again." I smiled and kissed him on the cheek before I sat back in my seat. 

"I sure hope so, but not in this car..." He glanced quickly over at me. "Not when we're driving, at least..." He winked at me and smiled.

"You perverted bastard..." I laughed and patted him lightly on the shoulder.

"Me? A pervert? You're the one trying to get me hard as fuck in this car!# He laughed and kept his eyes on the road the rest of the way to the airport


When we drove into the airport, we saw the private plane was waiting for us a bit further forward, we drove right up to it and walked out of the car. 

Susan picked up our bags in the trunk and carried them into the trunk of the plane, while Marshall and I went in and sat down. Susan came back to us and sent us a sourly smile, a smile that really didn't want to smile, but had no choice ... Marshall didn't smile back, I did it since it would be rude not to... And the flight would be awkward if I didn't do it ...

"The flight will take one and a half hour, Mr. an Mrs. Mathers. Would you like anything to drink or eat?" Susan asked and took out a notebook. I turned to Marshall.

"I'm hungry, what about you?" I asked, he nodded.

"Yeah, you want a pizza?" He asked and looked at me. "We can share one." 

"One pizza." I said to Susan and smiled friendly. She nodded.

"Anything To drink? She asked. I was just about to respond, when Marshall came me forestalled.

"One big glass of coke with two straws." I turned to Marshall and smiled, he smiled back and took my hand in his. Susan walked away and came back with a big glass of coke with two straws. Marshall and I started drinking right away and both looked in each others eyes while we drank. 

Then the pizza came and we both ate it to the last bit. And I mean the last bit, it was a slice of pizza left on the board. I looked up at him questioningly.

"Do you want it?" I asked. He nodded and took bite, but did something I didn't expect of him. He took a bite and held it towards me. I smiled, took a bite myself and so it continued until the whole pizza was eaten up.

High On Love #2 (English)Where stories live. Discover now